Andrea Lucchi


Dottore di ricerca nel 1991 presso l’Università di Perugia, è oggi Professore Ordinario in Entomologia generale e applicata presso l’Università di Pisa, dove insegna Entomologia Agraria ed Entomologia Viticola ed è vice-presidente del Corso di Laurea triennale in Scienze Agrarie. Ha pubblicato 270 contributi scientifici, 62 dei quali recensiti da Scopus, oltre ad alcuni capitoli di libri a diffusione internazionale ed un testo Universitario (Note di entomologia viticola). L’attività di ricerca di Andrea ha riguardato diversi aspetti dell’Entomologia generale e applicata tra cui, in particolare, il controllo biologico e integrato di insetti associati al vigneto, l’implementazione di tecniche di confusione sessuale per il controllo di lepidotteri ed emitteri, lo studio della comunicazione vibrazionale in insetti di interesse agrario e della morfologia fine al microscopio elettronico a scansione e a trasmissione di ghiandole a feromoni e sensilli antennali. Dal 2009 sta collaborando con APHIS-USDA, SAG Cile, EMBRAPA Brasile e COSAVE America Latina per la gestione dell’introduzione accidentale della tignoletta della vite Lobesia botrana in Nord e Sud America. Dal 2014 è vice-presidente dell’organizzazione internazionale di controllo biologico e integrato (IOBC-WPRS). Dal 2016 è esperto EFSA su strategie di controllo non insetticide e “High Risk Plants”.

LUCCHI A, SAMBADO P, JUAN ROYO AB, BAGNOLI B, CONTE G, BENELLI G 2018. Lobesia botrana males mainly fly at dusk: video camera-assisted pheromone traps and implications for mating disruption. JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE 91(4): 1327-1334.
LUCCHI A, BENELLI G 2018. Towards pesticide-free farming? Sharing needs and knowledge promotes Integrated Pest Management. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 25:13439–13445.
IORIATTI C, LUCCHI A 2016. Semiochemical Strategies for Tortricid Moth Control in Apple Orchards and Vineyards in Italy. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ECOLOGY 42(7): 571-583
IORIATTI C, ANFORA G, TASIN M, DE CRISTOFARO A, WITZGALL P, LUCCHI A 2011. Chemical ecology and management of Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 104(4):1125-1137.

ERIKSSON A, ANFORA G, LUCCHI A, LANZO F, VIRANT-DOBERLET M, MAZZONI V 2012. Exploitation of Insect Vibrational Signals Reveals a New Method of Pest Management. PLoS ONE 7(3): e32954. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0032954.

PHD obtained in 1991 at the University of Perugia (Italy). Currently, Full Professor at the Department of Agriculture, Food & Environment (Pisa University-Italy), where he teaches “Viticultural Entomology” and “Agricultural Entomology”. Andrea’s research activity has resulted in 270 publications on national and international ISI journals, 62 on Scopus. His research interests are focused on: harmfulness and biological control of grapevine pests, pheromone mating disruption, implementation of “Area Wide Pest Management” strategies, Insect vibrational communication with particular reference to grapevine leafhoppers and planthoppers, morphology of insect pheromone glands and antennae. Since 2009, he works with APHIS-USDA, SAG Cile, EMBRAPA Brasile and COSAVE Latin America for the management of Lobesia botrana, accidentally introduced in North and South America in recent years. Since 2014, he is vice-president of the International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control (IOBC-WPRS). Since 2016, he is EFSA expert on non-insecticide strategies to control serious dangers to plant health and on “High Risk Plants”.

LUCCHI A, SAMBADO P, JUAN ROYO AB, BAGNOLI B, CONTE G, BENELLI G 2018. Lobesia botrana males mainly fly at dusk: video camera-assisted pheromone traps and implications for mating disruption. JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE 91(4): 1327-1334.
LUCCHI A, BENELLI G 2018. Towards pesticide-free farming? Sharing needs and knowledge promotes Integrated Pest Management. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 25:13439–13445.
IORIATTI C, LUCCHI A 2016. Semiochemical Strategies for Tortricid Moth Control in Apple Orchards and Vineyards in Italy. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ECOLOGY 42(7): 571-583
IORIATTI C, ANFORA G, TASIN M, DE CRISTOFARO A, WITZGALL P, LUCCHI A 2011. Chemical ecology and management of Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 104(4):1125-1137.

ERIKSSON A, ANFORA G, LUCCHI A, LANZO F, VIRANT-DOBERLET M, MAZZONI V 2012. Exploitation of Insect Vibrational Signals Reveals a New Method of Pest Management. PLoS ONE 7(3): e32954. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0032954.