Gaetano Siscaro
Graduated in Agricultural Sciences in 1985 at the University of Catania, he got his PhD in Agricultural Entomology in 1992 at the University of Naples Federico II. Since 2002 he has been associate professor of general and applied Entomology at the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Di3A) of the University of Catania, which is his current position. He teaches courses related to biological and integrated pest control as well as agricultural entomology and parasitology. He is author of more than 180 publications, including scientific papers, book chapters, conference contributions, technical notes; various scientific papers are also reviewed in SCOPUS and WoS database. He serves as a peer reviewer for several scientific journals.
He conducts research on sustainable control strategies of insect pests of economic importance, with particular reference to citrus and protected crops. His studies have focused on the biological control of whiteflies, scale insects and leaf miners.
Since 1992 he has been actively involved in the IOBC/WPRS Working Groups on “Integrated control of citrus fruit pests” and more recently on “Integrated control in protected crops-Mediterranean climate”.
His scientific interests include:
– biology, behaviour and use of natural enemies
– advanced techniques for eco-sustainable control of insect pests
– toxic effects of pesticides on natural enemies
– studies on plant-pest-entomophagous interactions.
He is member of the Società Entomologica Italiana (SEI) (Italian Entomological Society) – Section of Agricultural entomology since 1991, the IOBC/WPRS since 1992; the International Society of Citriculture (ISC) since 2004; to the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) since 2020.
- Siscaro G, Lo Pumo C, Tropea Garzia G, Tortorici S, Gugliuzzo A, Ricupero M, Biondi A, Zappalà L. (2019). Temperature and tomato variety influence the development and the plant damage induced by the zoophytophagous mirid bug Nesidiocoris tenuis. J Pest Sci 92(3):1049-56. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10340-019-01096-7
- Naselli M, Zappalà L, Gugliuzzo A, Tropea Garzia G, Biondi A, Rapisarda C, Cincotta F, Condurso C, Verzera A, Siscaro G (2017). Olfactory response of the zoophytophagous mirid Nesidiocoris tenuis to tomato and alternative host plants. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, vol. 11, p. 121-131, ISSN: 1872-8855, doi: 10.1007/s11829-016-9481-5
- Naselli M, Biondi A, Tropea Garzia G, Desneux N, Russo A, Siscaro G, Zappalà L (2017). Insights into food webs associated with the South American tomato pinworm. Pest Management Science, ISSN: 1526-4998, doi: 10.1002/ps.4562
- Biondi A, Zappalà L, Di Mauro A, Tropea Garzia G, Russo A, Desneux N, Siscaro G (2016). Can alternative host plant and prey affect phytophagy and biological control by the zoophytophagous mirid Nesidiocoris tenuis? Biocontrol, vol. 61, p. 79-90, ISSN: 1386-6141, doi: 10.1007/s10526-015-9700-5
- Zappalà L, Biondi A, Alma A, Al-Jboory I J, Arnò J, Bayram A, Chailleux A, El-Arnaouty A, Gerling D, Guenaoui Y, Shaltiel-Harpaz L, Siscaro G, Stavrinides M, Tavella L, Vercher Aznar R, Urbaneja A, Desneux N (2013). Natural enemies of the South American moth, Tuta absoluta, in Europe, North Africa and Middle East, and their potential use in pest control strategies. Journal of Pest Science, vol. 86, p. 635-647, ISSN: 1612-4758, doi: 10.1007/s10340-013-0531-9.