Sauro Simoni
Graduated in Biology (University of Firenze, 1991). Master “Conservation and Management of Fauna” (Dept. Animal Biology and Genetics, University of Firenze, 1995/96). PhD in Agricultural Microbial Biotechnology (XIX Cycle, University of Firenze, 2008). Since 1984, technical and, later, scientific career in CREA-DC (Firenze).
Researcher and CREA-DC (Firenze unit) scientific responsible.
Internship/visiting researcher at: Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, Population Biology Section University (Amsterdam, Netherlands); ARO and Tel Aviv University (Israel); Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Department of Applied Entomology, Faculty of Horticulture, Biotechnology (Warsaw, Poland) (2010, 2012, 2017, 2018).
The research activity mainly concerned: biological control of arthropods (particularly mites); adaptive feedback/responses in mites to modified environmental conditions and food/diet; bioecology, functional and dynamic responses of predatory mites in laboratory and in different agro-ecosystems; characterization of arthropod communities by biodiversity indexes and functional biodiversity; bioecology and control of house dust and food storage mites, their breeding and use for allergenic purposes.
More than 200 scientific papers/contributions in national and international journals. Associate Editor of REDIA, International Journal of Zoology. Referee for >10 International Journals
Simoni S., Angeli G., Baldessari M., Duso C., 2018. Effects of Aculus schlechtendali (Acari: Eriophyidae) population densities on golden delicious apple production. Acarologia, 58: 134-144.
Bouneb M., Turchetti T., Nannelli R., Roversi P.F., Paoli F., Danti R., Simoni S., 2016. Occurrence and transmission of mycovirus Cryphonectria hypovirus 1 from dejecta of Thyreophagus corticalis (Acari, Acaridae). Fungal Biology 120(3): 351-357.
Gagnarli E., Goggioli D., Tarchi F., Guidi S., Nannelli R., Vignozzi N., Valboa G., Lottero M. R., Corino L., Simoni S., 2015. Case study of microarthropod communities to assess soil quality in different managed vineyards. SOIL 1(2): 527-536.
Glas J.J., Alba J.M., Simoni S., Villarroel C.A., Stoops M., Schimmel B.C.J., Schuurink R.C., Sabelis M.W., Kant M.R., 2014. Defense suppression benefits herbivores that have a monopoly on their feeding site but can backfire within natural communities. BMC Medicine 12(1),98.