Roberto Romani
He received his degree in Agricultural Sciences in 1993 from Perugia University, and his PhD in Entomology in 1999 (Perugia University). Since November 2015 is Associate Professor at the Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science, Perugia University. His main research covers the study of functional adaptation in insects, particularly the ultrastructural and functional morphology of insect sensory structures and glands. He studied in detail the function and diversity of the antennal glands in Hymenoptera. He also studied peculiar glandular structures in Coleoptera and aspect of the olfaction (both morphological and electrophysiological) in Hemiptera Auchenorrhyncha. He spent more than 20 years working on these topics and becomes an expert in the application of conventional and innovative microscopy techniques to the study of insects. Prof. Romani research led to the publication of more than 50 papers, two book chapter, as well as numerous talks presented during international meetings. Since January 2020 is Editor for the ISI journal “Micron”. He also serves as Subject Editor for the ISI journal “Neotropical Entomology” (since 2010) and is member of the Editorial Board of the MDPI journal “Insects” (since February 2019).
Ranieri, E., Ruschioni, S., Riolo, P., Isidoro, N., & Romani, R. (2020). Sensory Receptors Associated with the Labial Tip and Precibarium of Philaenus spumarius L. (Hemiptera: Aphrophoride). Microscopy and Microanalysis, 26(1), 173-181. DOI:10.1017/S1431927619015125
Romani, R., Bedini, S, Salerno, G., Ascrizzi, R, Flamini, G., Echeverria, M.C., Farina, P., Conti, B (2019). Andean flora as a source of new repellents against insect pests: Behavioral, morphological and electrophysiological studies on Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Insects 10, 171, DOI:10.3390/insects10060171.
Di Giulio, A., Muzzi, M., Romani, R. (2015). Functional anatomy of the explosive defensive system of bombardier beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Brachininae). Arthropod Structure and Development 44 (5): 468-490. DOI:10.1016/j.asd.2015.08.013
Weissteiner S, Huetteroth W, Kollmann M, Weißbecker B, Romani R, Schachtner J, Schütz, S. (2012). Cockchafer Larvae Smell Host Root Scents in Soil. PLoS ONE 7(10): e45827. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0045827
Romani, R., Rosi, M.C., Isidoro, N., Bin, F. (2008). The role of the antennae during courtship behaviour in the parasitic wasps Trichopria drosophilae. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 211: 2486-2491. DOI:10.1242/jeb.013177