Carmelo Rapisarda
He graduated in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Catania in 1980 and carried out the PhD in Agricultural Entomology at the University of Naples “Federico II”, obtaining the title in 1987. Since 2001 he is full professor of ” General and applied entomology “at the University of Catania, after having been contract professor of” Agricultural Zoology”at the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria (1986-1990), permanent researcher (1990-1992) and associate professor (1992-2001) of “General and applied entomology” at the University of Catania.
His studies mainly concern sap-sucking insects (especially Hemiptera Aleyrodoidea and Psylloidea), their impact on cultivated plants and their integrated control. He also carries out studies on other pest insect families and their sustainable control in respect of natural resources and biodiversity, on pest insects in urban environments, on insect resistance to insecticides, on non-insect pests (especially nematodes and rodents) of crops, on climate change and their impact on the biology and spread of pest insects. He is author of over 200 scientific articles and book chapters, as well as notes on biological and integrated control of pest insects committed by various international institutions (including F.A.O. and C.A.B.I.).
Conci C., Rapisarda C. & L. Tamanini, 1993-1996. Annotated catalogue of the Italian Psylloidea (Insecta Homoptera) – First part, Atti Accad. roveret. Agiati, ser. VII, vol. 2 (1992), B: 33-135; Second part, Atti Accad. roveret. Agiati, ser. VII, vol. 5, B: 5-207
Martin J.H., Mifsud D. & C. Rapisarda, 2000. The whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 90: 407-448.
Haddi K., Berger M., Bielza P., Cifuentes D., Field L., Gorman K., Rapisarda C., Williamson M.S., Bass C., 2012. Identification of mutations associated with pyrethroid resistance in the voltage-gated sodium channel of the tomato leaf miner (Tuta absoluta). Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 42: 506-513.
Legg J.P., Shirima R., Tajebe L.S., Guastella D., Boniface S., Jeremiah S., Nsami E., Chikoti P, Rapisarda C., 2014. Biology and management of Bemisia whitefly vectors of cassava virus pandemics in Africa. Pest Management Science, 70 (10): 1446-1453.
Massimino Cocuzza G.E., Urbaneja A., Hernández-Suárez E., Siverio F., Di Silvestro S.A., Tena A., Rapisarda C., 2017. A review on Trioza erytreae (African citrus psyllid), now in mainland Europe, and its potential risk as vector of huanglongbing (HLB) in citrus. Journal of Pest Science, 90 (1): 1-17.