Public Sessions

The Public Meetings of the Italian National Academy of Entomology are open to all and are organised in conjunction with the Plenary and Ordinary Meetings at the Academy’s affiliation (via Lanciola 12/A, Cascine del Riccio, Firenze) or in another venue in Florence, but may also be held elsewhere in Italy on extraordinary occasions. Readings by Academicians and Round Tables on topical issues of broad interest, coordinated by Academicians, are held during Public Meetings, with interventions by researchers, both Italian and foreign.


Public Session of the Academy
Saturday 22 February 2025


Lecture:  “La chemical ecology degli insetti: nuovi approcci per il controllo sostenibile delle specie dannose” by Academician Sergio ANGELI

Commemoration of Academician Valerio Sbordoni by Academicians Marco Alberto Bologna and Vincenzo Vomero

Round Table FLYER
Friday 21 February 2025 at 14:00

ROUND TABLE on ‘Engaging Citizens for Insect Research: Potential and Pitfalls’

Chairs: Simona Bonelli and Leonardo Dapporto

14.00 – Opening

Francesco Pennacchio – Presidente dell’Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia

14.10 – Introduction

Simona Bonelli – Università di Torino; Leonardo Dapporto- Università di Firenze


14.20 – Alessandro Campanaro – CREA Centro di ricerca Difesa e Certificazione – Engaging citizens in science, the Italian strategy and case studies on insects

14.50 – Chris van Swaay – De Vlinderstichting Dutch Butterfly Conservation – Monitoring butterflies with citizens.

15.20 – Simona Bonelli – Università di Torino – The Italian butterfly monitoring scheme, a successful story.

15.45 – Leonardo Dapporto – Università di Firenze – Unstructured citizen science reduces the perception of butterfly local extinctions, but is biased by aesthetic preference.

16.10 – Cristina Castracani- Università di Parma – From practice to theory: ants and stag beetles as models for participatory science.

16.35- Alessandro Cini – Università di Pisa – Early warning of the alien hornet Vespa velutina in Italy: exploring the power and limitations of citizen science.

17.00 – Discussion and conclusions


Round Table FLYER
Friday 14 June 2024 at 14:00

PUBLIC SESSION on ‘Biological Control of threats to the biosecurity of agricultural and forestry systems: Italian Projects and Innovative Strategies’

14:00 – Opening by the President Francesco Pennacchio
14:10 – Introduction Academic Pio Federico Roversi (National Reference Institute for Plant Protection)
14:20 – The Italian Phytosanitary Service and the Classic Biological Control Projects (B.C. Faraglia, MASAF, DISR V, Central Phytosanitary Service)
14:35 – Pre-emptive biocontrol as a new tool to maximize preparedness for high-risk pests: an overview of the concept, current status and future prospects (G. Avila, New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited)
15:05 – The outputs of the classical biological control strategy to Halyomorpha halys in Italy (G. Sabbatini, L. Giovannini, P.F. Roversi, INRPP/CREA-DC)
15:20 – Prospects and constraints in the implementation of Drosophila suzukii classical biological control in Italy three years after the first release (M.V. Rossi Stacconi, G. Anfora, A. Grassi, L. Fellin, S. Puppato, C. Ioriatti, Fondazione E. Mach, UNITRENTO)
15:35 – The success of Torymus sinensis: an effective biocontrol agent for the Asian chestnut gall wasp (C. Ferracini, A. Alma, UNITO-DISAFA)
15:50 – Exploring potential biocontrol agents of the invasive scale Toumeyella parvicornis (Hemiptera: Coccidae) (L. Giovannini, G. Mazza, G. Sabbatini, I. Iovinella, B.N. Manco, D. Prosper, J. Blaise, C. May, N. Vanderberg, L. Marianelli, P.F. Roversi, INRPP/CREA-DC, ARS-USDA, Smithsonian Institution)
16:05 – Release of alien species into the wild for biological control: the regulatory framework (P. Genovesi, L. Carnevali, ISPRA)
16:20 – Biological control of Popillia japonica using an indigenous strain of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora: from nematode isolation to non-target risk assessment (L. Marianelli, G. Mazza, G. Torrini, F. Paoli, I. Iovinella, C. Sciandra, F. Barbieri, C. Benvenuti, G.P. Barzanti, CREA-DC, CNR-IRET)
16:35 – A twenty years path through biological control of the Yellow Spider Mite in vineyards: evidences and perspectives (S. Simoni, S.U.M. Bregaglio, E. Gagnarli, D. Goggioli, S. Guidi, R. Nannelli, G. Sabbatini, F. Tarchi, CREA-DC, CREA-AA)
16:50 – Discussion and Conclusions

Public Session of the Academy
Thursday 13 June 2024

PUBLIC SITTING – 16:00 p.m.

Lecture:  “Sixty Years Among the Lilliputians of Insects: the Trichogrammatidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea)” by Academician G. Viggiani.

Commemoration of Academician E. Mellini by Academicians M. L. Dindo, G. Burgio, and S. Maini.

Public Session of the Academy
Saturday 17 February 2024

PUBLIC SITTING – 10:30 a.m.

Lecture:   ‘New approaches for the use of the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) in control programmes against the red boll weevil (Rhynchophorus furrugineus), two pentatomid species and Drosophila suzukii.’ by Academician Massimo Cristofaro

Commemoration of Academician Pietro Luciano by Andrea Lentini and Academician Gavino Delrio

Round Table FLYER
Friday 16 February 2024 at 14:30

ROUND TABLE on ‘Integration of semiochemistry and semiophysics for the development of innovative multimodal systems for the protection, monitoring and control of insects of environmental and agricultural interest’.

Coordinated by Academician Gianfranco Anfora

14:00-14:10 Greetings by President Francesco Pennacchio

14:10-14:20 Introduction by Gianfranco Anfora


14:20-14:50 – Valerio Mazzoni (Edmund Mach Foundation, Trento): Linking biotremology and ecological chemistry: the proposal of a new lexicon for vibrational communication between organisms: some case studies.

14:50-15:10 –  Alenka ŽUNIČ KOSI, Rok Šturm, Al Vrezec and Meta Virant Doberlet (National Institute of Biology, Ljubljana, Slovenia): Unravelling insect communities through their communication signals.

15.10-15.30 – Daniele Cornara (University of Bari): Much ado about something: exploiting the language of insects to interfere with the transmission of pathogens by aphids and spittoons.

15:30 – 15:50 –  Coffee break

15:50 -16:10 – Alessandro Cini (University of Pisa): Plasticity and multimodality in the communication of cartoon wasps.

16:10-16:30 – Davide Rassati (University of Padua): Integration of visual stimuli in wood beetle monitoring protocols.

16:30-16:50 –  Rachele Nieri (University of Trento): Vibrations in the wardrobe: the vibrational communication of woodworm and moths.

16.50-17.45. Discussion and conclusions. The discussion is led by Gianfranco Anfora


Public Session of the Academy – Plenary Assembly
Saturday 11 November 2023

PUBLIC SITTING – 10:00 a.m.

Reading: ‘Faunal Notes on the Italian Tortricidae‘ by Academician Pasquale Trematerra

Round Table FLYER
Friday 10 November 2023 at 14:00


14.00-14.10. Greetings by the President, FRANCESCO PENNACCHIO
14.10-14.20. Opening of the proceedings, CLAUDIO BANDI
14.20-14.50. Drosophila, “tool kit” of biomedical research and biotechnology (THOMAS VACCARI, University of Milan)
14.50-15.10. What does the invasive success of Aedes albopictus depend on? (MARIANGELA BONIZZONI, University of Pavia)
15.10-15.30. Ultrastructural reconstruction of the stinging apparatus in mosquitoes and bio-molecular mechanisms of blood meal (PAOLO GABRIELI, University of Milan)
15.30-15.50. Coffee break
15.50-16.10. Study of sex determination and innovative community-engagement strategies for the eco-sustainable control of diptera of sanitary interest (MARCO SALVEMINI, University of Naples Federico II).
16.10-16.30. Insecticide resistance in Culicides vectors of human and zoonotic pathogens: mechanisms, dissemination and molecular diagnostic approaches (ALESSANDRA DELLA TORRE, University of Rome La Sapienza)
16.30-16.50. Symbiosis and control of dipteran vectors and transmitted diseases (GUIDO FAVIA, University of Camerino)
16.50-17.45. Discussion and Conclusions. The discussion is led by SARA EPIS and ANNA MARIA FAUSTO

Public Session of the Academy – Plenary Assembly
Saturday 18 February 2023

PUBLIC SESSION – 10:30 a.m.
Lecture: “Climatic changes, spruce and bark beetles: a difficult coexistence” by Academician Massimo FACCOLI
Commemoration of Academician Leo RIVOSECCHI by Laura MANCINI, Irene DI GIROLAMO and Simone CIADAMIDAR

Round Table FLYER
Friday 17 February 2023 2.30 p.m.

TAVOLA ROTONDA su “Chemical ecology in insect parasitoids”.

Coordinata dagli Accademici Eric CONTI e Stefano COLAZZA
Ore 14:30 Opening by the President Francesco PENNACCHIO
Ore 14:40 Introduction by Stefano COLAZZA and Eric CONTI
14:50 – Eric Conti (University of Perugia, Italy): Chemical ecology of egg parasitoids: what’s known and what’s next?
15:10 – Nina Fatouros (Wageningen University, Netherlands): Natural selection on butterfly sex odors by egg parasitoids and implications for biological control
15:40 – Antonino Cusumano (University of Palermo, Italy): Using chemical ecology to manage hyperparasitoids in the biological control of arthropod pests
16:00 – 16:15 Coffee break
16:15 – Emilio Guerrieri (CNR – IPSP, Italy): Root elicitors modify the behaviour of foraging parasitoids
16:35 – Joachim Ruther (University of Regensburg, Germany): Pheromones in the Nasonia group: behaviour and biochemistry
17:05 – Gianfranco Anfora (University of Trento, Italy): Studies on the chemical ecology of plant-pest-parasitoid interactions to support
biological control projects
17:25 – Ernesto Mollo (CNR – IBC, Italy): Taste and smell: a unifying chemosensory theory
17:45 – Discussion and conclusions

The recording of the Assembly is available:
ZOOM RECORDING – password: xy!%W^2C


Public Session of the Academy – Plenary Assembly
Saturday 19 November 2022


Reading: ‘Misunderstood Tachinid parasitoids: biology and interest as auxiliary insects‘ by Academician Maria Luisa DINDO

Commemoration of Academician Edward O. WILSON by Academicians Stefano TURILLAZZI and Donato A. GRASSO

Round Table FLYER
Friday 18 November 2022 at 14:30

TAVOLA ROTONDA su “Edible Insects: from Biology to Applications”

14:30 – Opening by the President FRANCESCO PENNACCHIO
14:40 – Introduction by MORENA CASARTELLI (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy) and GIANLUCA TETTAMANTI (Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Italy)
14:45 – Progress and Challenges of Insects as Food and Feed (ARNOLD VAN HUIS, Wageningen University, The Netherlands)
15:00 – New insights into the biology of Hermetia illucens midgut (MORENA CASARTELLI, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy)20 – Insights into the physiology of the midgut of Hermetia illucens (MORENA CASARTELLI, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy)
15:40 – Defences against bacterial pathogens: Spotlight on the immune system of the black soldier fly (GIANLUCA TETTAMANTI, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Italy)
16:00 – Coffee break
16:20 – The fate of food pathogens during black soldier fly rearing (JEROEN DE SMET, KU Leuven, Geel Campus, Belgium)
16.40 – Rearing of Tenebrio molitor and its implications for human consumption (SARA RUSCHIONI, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy)
17:00 – Waste recycling with fly larvae: From science to practice (MORITZ GOLD, ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
17:20 – Insects as tools for circular economy in applied research projects (LARA MAISTRELLO, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emila, Italy)
17:40 – Discussion and conclusions

A recording of the Assembly is available:
ZOOM RECORDING – password: QSm+@27R

Public Meeting of the Academy
Saturday 11 June 2022

PUBLIC SITTING – 10.30 a.m.

 10.30 am: Lecture: “Food webs in biological pest control by Academician Lucia Zappalà

11.30 a.m.: Commemoration of Academician Ivo Hodek entitled “Life and work of Ivo Hodek” held by Drs. Vladimir Kostal and Olda Nedved.

Round Table FLYER
Friday 10 June 2022 15:00

ROUND TABLE on “Biological pest control: managing multitrophic interactions for sustainable agriculture”

15:00 – Opening by the President Francesco Pennacchio
15:10 – Introduction by Lucia Zappalà and Gaetano Siscaro (Università di Catania, Italy)
15:20 – Impact of climate change on invertebrate biological control (J.A. Jaques – Universitat Jaume I, Castelló de la Plana, Spain)
15:40 – Recent advances in classical biological control of key horticulture pests: African perspective (S.A. Mohamed – International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology, Nairobi, Kenya)
16:00 – Classical and fortuitous biological control (L. Tavella – Università di Torino, Italy)
16:20 – Landscape-scale management of pest natural enemies (L. Marini – Università di Padova, Italy)
16:40 – Manipulating belowground-aboveground interactions to enhance plant defence (E. Guerrieri – CNR-IPSP, Italy)
17:00 – The non-target effects of pesticides on natural enemies (A. Biondi – Università di Catania, Italy)
17:20 – Discussion and Conclusions

Public Session of the Academy FLYER
Saturday 12 March 2022 11:00 a.m.

Lecture: “Chemical Ecology of Floral Resources in a Conservation Biological Contextby Academician Stefano Colazza

Round Table FLYER
Friday 11 March 2022 2.30 p.m.

ROUND TABLE on ‘Conservation and monitoring of saproxylic insects’.

Coordinated by Academician Franco Mason and Alessandro Campanaro (CREA Defence and Certification Research Centre)

14:30 Presentation by President Francesco Pennacchio

14:35 Introduction by Academician Franco Mason


14:45 – 15:00  Pio Federico Roversi (National Reference Institute for Plant Protection and Ordinary Academician): Saproxilic Insects in the History of the Natural Sciences.

15:00 – 15:30 Franco Mason (former Director of the Carabinieri National Forest Biodiversity Centre in Verona and Academician extraordinaire): Deadwood, a key to biodiversity conservation.

15:30 – 16:00 Alessandro Campanaro (CREA Defence and Certification Research Centre): Saproxylic insects: biology, ecology, conservation.

16:00 – 16:15  Sönke Hardersen (Carabinieri National Forest Biodiversity Centre, Verona): The development of monitoring protocols for saproxylic beetles of the Habitats Directive.

 4:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Marco Bardiani (Carabinieri National Forest Biodiversity Centre in Verona): 15 years of studies on the flying deer: the experience of Bosco Fontana

16:30 – 16:45 Francesco Parisi (GeoLAB – Laboratory of Forest Geomatics, Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Forestry Sciences and Technologies, University of Florence): Saproxylic beetles and biodiversity indicators in Apennine forest ecosystems, the case of open datasets for conservation.

16:45 – Discussion and Conclusions
17:05 – Closing of proceedings



Public Session of the Academy FLYER
Friday 19 November 2021 at 14:30

Round Table on: “New insights into the functional morphology and anatomy of arthropods”.


14:30 Presentation by President Francesco PENNACCHIO

14:35 Introduction by Academicians ANDREA DI GIULIO AND ROBERTO ROMANI


14:45 ROLF BEUTEL (Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany): 70 years of insect systematics – from Hennig to transcriptomes.

15:15 ALEXEY POLILOV (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia): At the limit of miniaturisation – results and prospects of the study of the smallest insects.

16:05 ANTONELLA DI PALMA (University of Foggia): Mechano- and gustatory receptors in mites and their involvement in secretory activities.

16:25 ANITA GIGLIO (Università della Calabria): A synopsis of haemocyte morphology in insects

16:45 MANUELA REBORA (University of Perugia): Structural white colouration in the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Diptera, Tephritidae).

17:05 Discussion and conclusions

17:30 Closing of proceedings

Saturday 20 November 2021

PUBLIC SITTING – 10:00 a.m.

Lecture: ‘Attractiveness and specificity of the pheromone blend of harmful insects: the contribution of survey techniques’ by Academician SALVATORE GIACINTO GERMINARA.

Round Table FLYER
Friday 5 November 2021

Su piattaforma “Google Meet”

Round Table on: “Evolutionary patterns in Antarctic terrestrial invertebrates”.

16:00 Presentation by President Francesco Pennacchio

16:10 Introduction by the coordinator A. Carapelli (Unisi)

Talk timetable:
16:20 Prof. Peter Convey (Individual Merit Scientist,
British Antarctic Survey, United Kingdom)
Patterns in Antarctic terrestrial diversity

16:55 Prof. Bettine van Vuuren (Professor of Zoology, University of
Johannesburg, South Africa)
The importance of scale in understanding biodiversity patterns

17:30 Prof. Antonio Carapelli (University of Siena, Italy)
Advances in the Systematics and Evolution of Antarctic Terrestrial Arthropods

17:35 Discussion and conclusions

Public Session of the Academy
Saturday 27 February 2021

On ‘Zoom’ platform

10:00 a.m.

  • Reading: ‘Model systems in Biology: even ants in their own small way…‘ by Academician Donato Antonio GRASSO
  • Commemoration of Academician Piero BARONIO by Academicians Maria Luisa DINDO and Stefano MAINI

Round Table FLYER
Friday 26 February 2021

On ‘Zoom’ platform

Round table on: “An update on phlebotoms: biology, vector role, control strategies”.

Coordinated by Academician CLAUDIO BANDI and SARA EPIS (University of Milan)

16:00 – Presentation by President Francesco Pennacchio

16:05 – Introduction by Academician CLAUDIO BANDI


16:10 – S. Epis –  Department of Biosciences, University of Milan – Phlebotomes: keywords.

16:25 – F. Montarsi – Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, Legnaro (PD) – Biology, ecology and health importance of phlebotomus species present in Italy .

17:00 –  D. Otranto – Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari Aldo Moro –Strategies for the control of canine leishmaniasis .

17: 35 – P. H. Fernandes Shimabukuro – Grupo de Estudos em Leishmanioses, Instituto René Rachou-Fiocruz Minas-Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil – American sand fly systematics and the eco-epidemiology of cutaneous leishmaniasis in sylvatic areas of Brazil.

 6:10 p.m. – Discussion and conclusions

18:40 – Closing of proceedings


Public Meeting of the Academy
Saturday 21 November 2020

On ‘Zoom’ platform

10:00 a.m.

  • Lecture: ‘Crops: some critical issues and study perspectives‘ by Academician Sauro Simoni
  • Commemoration of Academician Raffaele Monaco by Academician Giorgio Nuzzaci

Round Table
Friday 20 November 2020

On ‘Zoom’ platform

Round table on: Current Issues in Acarology” (Flyer)

Coordinated by Academicians Antonella Di Palma and Enrico De Lillo

16:00 – Presentation by President Francesco Pennacchio

16:15 – Introduction by Academicians Antonella Di Palma and Enrico De Lillo


16:30 – R. Ochoa – Systematic Entomology Laboratory, ARS-USDA, USA – Alien mite species detections: a box of limitations and identification problems!.

4:50 p.m. – H. Tsolakis, E. Ragusa – University of Palermo – Alien species recently introduced in Italy: state of the art..

17:10 – T. Van Leeuwen – Ghent University – The molecular genetic mechanisms of acaricide resistance in Tetranychus urticae..

17: 30 – E. de Lillo, D. Valenzano, G. Tamburini – University of Bari Aldo Moro, C. Duso – University of Padua, S. Simoni – CREA-DC, Florence – Grape erineum strain of Colomerus vitis: findings and notes..

 5:50 pm – E.W. Kitajima – Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ), Universidade de São Paulo –The peculiar pathosystem of the Brevipalpus (Tenuipalpidae) mites-transmitted plant viruses..

18:10 – A. Di Palma – University of Foggia –Mites as forensic tool?.

18:30 – Discussion and conclusions

18:50 – Closing of proceedings

Public Meeting of the Academy
Friday 12 June 2020

On ‘Zoom’ platform

5 p.m.

  • Public lecture on: “Bioinspired pest control technologies: A new frontier in biological control. (Biological control and new technologies)“, by Honorary Academician Angharad M.R. GATEHOUSE – Newcastle University (UK)
  • Commemoration of Academician Augusto VIGNA TAGLIANTI by Academician Marco A. BOLOGNA

Public Session of the Academy
Saturday 22 February 2020

Firenze – Cascine del Riccio via Lanciola 12/A

10:30 a.m.

  • Public session of the Academy with a reading on: “Comparative Phylogeography of European Diurnal Lepidoptera” by Academician Leonardo DAPPORTO
  • Commemoration of Academician Carlo RICCI by Academicians Eric CONTI and Roberto ROMANI
  • Commemoration of Academician Sergio ZANGHERI by Academician Giuseppina PELLIZZARi

Public Meeting of the Academy
Friday 21 February 2020

Firenze – Via del Proconsolo 12, Palazzo Nonfinito, Department of Biology, University of Florence

Round Table on: “Insect vectors of phytopathogens: mechanisms and ecology of virus and bacterial transmission”

Coordinated by Academician Domenico BOSCO
Presentation by President Francesco PENNACCHIO
Introduction by Academician Domenico BOSCO


Marilyne Uzest (Unité Mixte de Recherche BGPI, INRA-CIRAD, Montpellier): Noncirculative virus transmission by aphids: current knowledge on virus-vector interactions
Luciana Galetto  (Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection, IPSP-CNR, Torino): Fitoplasmas and cycadellid vectors: molecular interactions and transmission specificity
3:50 pm
Rosemarie Tedeschi (DISAFA, Entomology Unit, University of Turin): Ecology of transmission of bacteria (‘Ca. Liberibacter spp.’ and phytoplasmas) by psyllids
Nicola Bodino (Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection, IPSP-CNR, Torino): Vectors of Xylella fastidiosa in Europe: an ecological perspective on transmission and epidemiology
Alberto Fereres (Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias ICA-CSIC, Madrid): Behavioural Aspects Influencing Plant Pathogen Transmission by Hemipteran Insects
Or 17:20 Discussion and conclusions
Or 17:50 Closing of the proceedings


Public Meeting of the Academy
Saturday 16 November 2019

Firenze – Cascine del Riccio via Lanciola 12/A


  • Reading: “The weed Ailanthus altissima and study of the feasibility of a biological control programme” by Academics Massimo CRISTOFARO and Enrico DE LILLO
  • Commemoration of Academician Giovanni MINEO by Academician Salvatore RAGUSA DI CHIARA

Public Session of the Academy
Friday 15 November 2019

Firenze – Palazzo Nonfinito, Via del Proconsolo 12 – Aula 1 Department of Biology

Round Table on: “New technologies for food defence”

Presentation by President Romano DALLAI
Introduction by Coordinator, Academician Giacinto Salvatore GERMINARA


Pasquale Trematerra (University of Molise): Decision-making tools and Integrated Pest Management in food supply chains
Emanuele Mazzoni (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Piacenza): Biocide resistance in insects of commodity/urban interest
Stefano Bedini, Priscilla Farina, Barbara Conti (University of Pisa): Bioactivity of essential oils: Lights and shadows of their use in pest management
Orlando Campolo, Giulia Giunti, Francesca Laudani, Vincenzo Palmeri (University of Reggio Calabria): Essential oil-based formulations: Chemical-physical properties and insecticidal activity
Sara Savoldelli, Luciano Suss (University of Milan): Employment of pheromones for pest management in food industries
Giacinto S. Germinara, Antonio De Cristofaro, Giuseppe Rotundo (University of Foggia and University of Molise): Effect of treatment with inert powders on semiochemical insect-host-plant interactions
Agatino Russo (University of Catania): Biological control in food industries
Sauro Simoni, Enrico De Lillo (CREA-DC Florence and University of Bari):Mites food mites: invasiveness and allergenic and control issues
Hours 17:20 Discussion and conclusions
Hours 17:50 Closing of the proceedings

Public Meeting of the Academy
Saturday 15 June 2019

Firenze – Cascine del Riccio via Lanciola 12/A

10:00 a.m.

  • Lecture by Academician Vincenzo Girolami and Prof Luca Mazzon – University of Padua – on “Relations of Diptera tephritidae with symbiotic bacteria of the intestinal tract”.
  • Commemoration of Academician Emerita Maria M. Principi by Academician Roberto Pantaleoni
  • Commemoration of Honorary Academician Henry L.G. Stroyan by Academician Sebastiano Barbagallo

Public Session of the Academy
Friday 14 June 2019

Firenze – Bank Conference Hall “Monte dei Paschi di Siena”, via de’ Pecori 6/8

Round Table on: “Adversity and beekeeping interest of eucalyptus in the Mediterranean environment.

Coordinated by Academician Ignazio Floris
Presentation by President Romano Dallai
Introduction by Academician Ignazio Floris


Andrea Battisti , Mizuki Uemura – University of Padua – Problems related to defoliators in indigenous and introductory areas
Vincenzo Palmeri, Orlando Campolo – University of Reggio Calabria – Eulophid galls
12 noon:00 – Lunch break
Gaetano Siscaro, Gaetana Mazzeo, Santi Longo – University of Catania  –  Eucalyptus xylophagous insects and their natural antagonists
Stefania Laudonia, Antonio Garonna – University of Naples – Allotonic phytophytomycetes
Ignazio Floris, Alberto Satta – University of Sassari – Entomofauna pronuba and mellifera importance
Benedetto Linaldeddu – University of Padua – Main phytopathologies
Giuseppe Brundu, Ignazio Floris – University of Sassari – A project for a “Eucalyptus Sentinel Garden” in the international network (IPSN – Internatinal Plant Sentinel Network)
15:00 – Discussion and Conclusions
15:40 – Closing of the session

Public Session of the Academy
Saturday 23 February 2019

Firenze – Cascine del Riccio, via Lanciola 12/A

10:30 a.m.
Public session of the Academy with a lecture on:
The Hypogean Orthoptera of the genus Troglophilus: ecology and evolution” by Academician Marina COBOLLI

Public Session of the Academy
Friday 22 February 2019

Firenze – Sala Convegni della Banca ‘Monte dei Paschi di Siena’, via de’ Pecori 6/8

10:30 a.m.
Celebration of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Italian Entomological Society (1869-2019). Coordinated by the President of the Italian Entomological Society Francesco PENNACCHIO (University of Naples “Federico II”)

11:00 a.m.
Round Table on: “Potentialities and limits of biological control against plant-damaging insects in Italy”. Coordinated by Academician Andrea BATTISTI (University of Padua)
Participants: Alessandro BRATTI (Ministry of the Environment and Protection of the Land and Sea, ISPRA), Piero GENOVESI (Ministry of the Environment and Protection of the Land and Sea, ISPRA), Pio Federico ROVERSI (Academician, Ministry of Agricultural, Food, Forestry and Tourism Policies, CREA, Defence and Certification Research Centre), Bruno Caio FARAGLIA (Ministry of Agricultural, Food, Forestry and Tourism Policies, Directorate General for Rural Development, DISR V Central Phytosanitary Service), Emilio GUERRIERI (National Research Council, Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection, Portici), Alberto ALMA (Academic, University of Turin)

Conclusion of the Round Table. Suspension of the session
Round Table on: Asian pest Halyomorpha halys: new acquisitions and applications in defence
Presentation by President Romano DALLAI
Introduction by the Coordinators, Academics Luciana TAVELLA and Alberto ALMA
Tim HAYE (CABI, Delemont, Switzerland) – Global pest status of Halyomorpha halys and impact of its associated parasitoids
Lara MAISTRELLO (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) – Biology and spread of Halyomorpha halys, the invasive hitchhiker that disrupts integrated pest management
Lara BOSCO, Luciana TAVELLA (University of Turin) – Halyomorpha halys from overwintering to crop colonisation
Davide SCACCINI, Logan MOORE, Paola TIRELLO, Diego FORNASIERO, Massimo CECCHETTO, Carlo DUSO, Alberto POZZEBON (University of Padua) – Population trends and harmfulness of Halyomorpha halys on agricultural crops
16:00 pm
Gianfranco ANFORA, Claudio IORIATTI, Valerio MAZZONI (Fondazione E. Mach and University of Trento) – Tools for monitoring and control of Halyomorpha halys based on semiochemistry and vibrations, and experiences of citizen science
Eric CONTI, Valeria BERTOLDI, Jacques BRODEUR, Gabriele RONDONI (University of Perugia) – Plant defensive responses to Halyomorpha halys
Pio Federico ROVERSI, Giuseppino SABBATINI PEVERIERI, Leonardo MARIANELLI (CREA, DC, Florence) – Ooparasitoid allochthonous of Halyomorpha halys: biocontrol possibilities and environmental impact assessment
Elena GONELLA, Bianca ARRÙ, Alberto ALMA (University of Turin) – Pantoea carbekii, intestinal symbiont of Halyomorpha halys: an indirect target for a new control strategy
Discussion and Conclusions


Academy public session with reading on:
“The Shared Enemy and Applied Entomology” by Academician Roberto PANTALEONI

Saturday 17 November 2018

Firenze – Cascine del Riccio, via Lanciola 12/a

Commemoration of Academician Fausta PEGAZZANO by Academician Roberto NANNELLI

Academy public session with panel discussion on:
“Global extinctions and local extinctions”

Friday 16 November 2018

Firenze – Monte dei Paschi di Siena Bank Conference Hall, via de’ Pecori 6/8


Presentation by President Romano DALLAI


Introduction by the Coordinators, Academics Emilio BALLETTO and Achille CASALE
Achille CASALE: Extinctions in Entomology, between Myth and Reality
Emilio BALLETTO: Extinctions in Diurnal Butterflies

Lettura Plenaria. Gabor LOEVEI (Aarhus University, Slaelse, Denmark): The consequences of invasions on biodiversity: will they cause extinction or not?



P. A. AUDISIO (Sapienza University of Rome): True or presumed extinctions in mountain streams and other environments.

M. BIONDI (University of L’Aquila): Insects, climate change and extinctions: the contribution of modelling in the prediction of future scenarios

M. A. BOLOGNA (University of Rome 3): Possible extinctions, population reductions and rediscoveries in the Coleoptera Meloidae of the Italian fauna.

P. BRANDMAYR (University of Calabria): Habitat-level and regional-scale extinctions of Coleoptera Carabidae species and/or communities.

V. SBORDONI (University of Rome 2 Tor Vergata): Genetic and ecological aspects of the decline of insect populations.

M. ZAPPAROLI (University of Tuscia): Urban anthomology and extinctions.

Discussion and Conclusions

Academy public session with reading on:
“Myrmecophilia in European diurnal butterflies”

Saturday 9 June 2018

Firenze – Cascine del Riccio, via Lanciola 12/a

10:00 a.m.
Public session of the Academy with reading on:
“Myrmecophilia in European diurnal butterflies” by Academician Emilio BALLETTO

Academy public session with panel discussion on:
“Genomic and molecular approaches for the control of invasive insect species of agricultural and sanitary interest”

Friday 8 June 2018

Firenze – Bank Conference Room ”Monte dei Paschi di Siena”, via de’ Pecori 6/8

Presentation by President Romano DALLAI

Introduction by Academician Giuliano GASPERI


A. CRISANTI (Imperial College London):Editing population genetics for vector control
M. F. SCHETELIG (Justus Liebig – Universität Giessen): Gene targeting and editing for pest control.

G. SACCONE (University of Naples – Federico II): Sex determination and gene editing in Tephritids, towards biocontrol strategies.

B. ARCÀ (University of Rome “La Sapienza”):Salivary antigens as epidemiological tools to evaluate human exposure to Aedes albopictus

G. FAVIA (University of Camerino): Using microbial symbionts in effective strategies for insect pest control.

M. CALVITTI (ENEA Rome): The role of Wolbachia in controlling the transmission of human diseases transmitted by mosquito vectors.

Discussion and Conclusions

Academy public session with reading on:
“Host-parasitoid interaction: analysis of virulence factors in the Drosophila model”

Saturday 24 February 2018

Firenze – Cascine del Riccio via Lanciola 12/A

“Host-parasitoid interaction
analysis of virulence factors in the Drosophila model” by Academician Giuseppe GARGIULO

Academy public session with panel discussion on:
“Thermal descent and low and ultra-low temperatures for the creation of living collections of agroforestry interest”
Friday 23 February 2018

Firenze – Bank Conference Room “Monte dei Paschi di Siena”, via de’ Pecori 6/8

Presentation by President Romano DALLAI

Introduction by the Coordinator, Academician Pio Federico ROVERSI


P.F. ROVERSI, F. PAOLI, S. LANDI: Embryology and Cryopreservation of Insects.

M. LAMBARDI: The cryopreservation of tree species: from the laboratory to the cryobank.

S. SIMONI, E. DE LILLO: Conservation at low temperatures of mite strains usable for biological control.

G.P. BARZANTI, V. FRANCARDI: Techniques for cryopreservation of entomopathogenic microorganisms

G.TORRINI, S. LANDI, E. TARASCO: Ultra-low temperatures and cryo protocols for the establishment of living collections of entomopathogenic nematodes.



Academy public session with reading on:
‘Current research on Asphondylia species (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) causing floral galls on Lamiacae

Saturday 18 November 2017

Napoli – Congress Centre Federico II, Via Partenope, 36

Public session of the Academy with lecture on:
“Current research on Asphondylia species (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) causing floral galls on Lamiacae” by Prof. Gennaro VIGGIANI of the University of Naples

Public Session of the Academy. Symposium on:
“Insect-plant interactions” Coordinated by Academics A.M.R. GATEHOUSE and C. DIGILIO

Friday 17 November 2017

Napoli – Congress Centre Federico II, Via Partenope, 36

Presentation by President Romano DALLAI


A.M.R. GATEHOUSE (University of Newcastle, UK): Plant response to stress: can this be exploited for crop protection?.

Deepa PURESWARAN (Laurentian Forestry Centre, Quebec, Canada): Host-tree-insect interactions in northern forest ecosystems in a changing climate.

Salvatore COZZOLINO (Federico II University, Naples): Smart plants or naive insects?.

Coffee Break

Rosa RAO (University Federico II, Naples): How plants respond to the challenge of insects

David GIRON (CRNS / Université Francois Rabelais, Tours, France): From leaf miners to gall inducers: a continuum of plant manipulators?.

Stefano COLAZZA (University of Palermo): Ecology of Egg Parasitoids in Plant Protection

Cristina DIGILIO (University Federico II, Napoli): Interactions between insects and microorganisms and the induction of plant defences

General discussion


Public session of the Academy with panel discussion on:
Insect for the Court. Insect for History: a journey through forensic entomology and funerary archaeoentomology” coordinated by prof. Stefano VANIN (University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom)

Presentation by President Romano DALLAI and Introduction by Coordinator Stefano VANIN


Carlo CAMPOBASSO (University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Napoli): PMI estimation a challenge for forensic pathologists.

Gino FORNACIARI (University of Pisa): Hidden Information in Mummies and Other Burials

Stefano VANIN (University of Huddersfield, UK): Forensic entomology and funerary archaeoentomology: a source of answers

General discussion

Academy public session with reading on:
“Current research on Asphondylia species (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) causing floral galls on Lamiacae”

Saturday 18 November 2017

Napoli – Federico II Congress Centre, Via Partenope, 36

Public session of the Academy with lecture on:
“Current research on Asphondylia species (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) causing floral galls on Lamiacae” by Prof. Gennaro VIGGIANI of the University of Naples

Public session of the Academy. Symposium on:
“Insect-plant interactions” Coordinata dalle Accademiche A.M.R. GATEHOUSE e C. DIGILIO

Friday 17 November 2017

Napoli – Centro Congressi Federico II, Via Partenope, 36

Presentation by President Romano DALLAI


A.M.R. GATEHOUSE (University of Newcastle, UK): Plant response to stress can this be exploited for crop protection?

Deepa PURESWARAN (Laurentian Forestry Centre, Quebec, Canada): Host tree-insect interactions in northern forest ecosystems in a changing climate

Salvatore COZZOLINO (University Federico II, Napoli): Smart plants or naive insects?

Coffee break

Rosa RAO (University Federico II, Napoli): How plants react to the insect challenge

David GIRON (CRNS / Université Francois Rabelais, Tours, France): From leaf-miners to gall inducers: a continuum of plant manipulators?

Stefano COLAZZA (University of Palermo): Ecology of egg parasitoids in crop protection

Cristina DIGILIO (University Federico II, Napoli): Insect and microoganisms interactions and the induction of plant defence

General discussion


Public session of the Academy with panel discussion on:
Insect for the Court. Insect for the History: a journey through forensis entomology and funerary archaeoentomology” coordinata dal prof. Stefano VANIN (University of Huddersfield, UK)

Presentation by President Romano DALLAI and Introduction by Coordinator Stefano VANIN


Carlo CAMPOBASSO (University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Napoli): PMI estimation a challenge for forensic pathologists

Gino FORNACIARI (University of Pisa): Hidden information within mummies and other burials

Stefano VANIN (University of Huddersfield, UK): Forensic entomology and funerary archaeoentomology: a source of answers

General discussion

Academy’s public session with a reading on:
“Antarctic collembolis: origin, evolution and adaptation”

Saturday 18 February 2017

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A

Public session of the Academy with a reading on:
“Antarctic Columbians: Origin, Evolution and Adaptation” by Academician Francesco FRATI

Academy public session with panel discussion on:
“Integrated Crop Protection: recurring problems, solutions and new challenges”

Friday 17 February 2017

Firenze – Via Romana, 17 – Aula 1

Presentation by President Romano DALLAI

Introduction by the Coordinators, Academics Carlo DUSO and Andrea LUCCHI


Ramon ALBAJES (University of Lleida): Current status of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Europe

Andrea LUCCHI, Carlo DUSO e Alberto ALMA: Experiences of Integrated Protection in Viticulture

Lucia ZAPPALÀ, Antonio BIONDI, Giovanna TROPEA GARZIA, Gaetano SISCARO, Carmelo RAPISARDA (Università di Catania): Updates on integrated pest control in protected horticulture

Gianfranco ANFORA (Fondazione Mach e Università di Trento): I semiochimici nella difesa integrata del melo in Trentino Alto Adige

Carlo MALAVOLTA (Regione Emilia-Romagna, Bologna): Integrated production, expectations, progress, applications

Academics Andrea LUCCHI and Carlo DUSO: Final remarks

Discussion and Conclusions


Public session of the Academy with a reading on:
“The phenomenon of endemism in the Italian entomofauna: state of the art, conservation, management”

Saturday 20 February 2016

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A

Public session of the Academy with reading on:
“The phenomenon of endemism in the Italian entomofauna: state of the art, conservation, management” by Academician Maurizio BIONDI

Academy public session with panel discussion on:
“Recent findings for the sustainable defence of Bactrocera oleae”

Friday 19 February 2016

Firenze – Via Romana, 17 – Aula 1


Presentation by President Romano DALLAI

Introduction by the Coordinators, Academics Gavino DELRIO and Giuseppe ROTUNDO


G. Delrio – Population dynamics and damage of Bactrocera oleae (Rossi)

A. Canale, G. Benelli, G.S. Germinara, A. Carpita, A. Raspi, G. Rotundo – Intraspecific chemical communication of Bactrocera oleae (Rossi): the role of compounds produced in the glands associated with the rectal ampulla

G. S. Germinara, A. De Cristofaro, G. Rotundo – Semiochemicals involved in Bactrocera oleae-olivo interactions

A. De Cristofaro, G. S. Germinara, G. Rotundo – Sensory neurons of Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) involved in the perception of semiochemical

A. P. Garonna, F. Grasso, G. Corrado, R. Rao – The olive fly and its relationship with the drupe

V. Girolami, L. Mazzon, I. Martinez Sañudo – Phylogenetic relationships between Bactrocera oleae and Candidatus Erwinia dacicola and perspectives for breeding improvement

A. Belcari, P. Sacchetti, A. Liscia, R. Pastorelli – Bacterial symbioses in the olive fly, Bactrocera oleae: from basic research to the development of new control strategies

V. Caleca, C. Giacalone, M. Maltese, F. Tortorici – Containment of Bactrocera oleae (Rossi): parasitoids or climate? Comparison between Sicily and Western Cape (South Africa)

Discussion and Conclusions

Academy’s public session with reading on:
“Coleoptera Coccinellidae: essentials of functional morphology, ethology and biodiversity”

Saturday 19 November 2016

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A

Public session of the Academy with a lecture on:
“Coleoptera Coccinellidae: essential features of functional morphology, ethology and biodiversity” by Prof. Carlo RICCI of the University of Perugia

Public meeting of the Academy with panel discussion on:
“Bee diseases and new alien insect threats to Italian beekeeping: Aethina tumida and Vespa velutina”

Friday 18 November 2016

Firenze – Via Romana, 17 – Aula 1

Presentation by President Romano DALLAI

Introduction by the Coordinators, Academics Rita CERVO, Paolo AUDISIO, Francesco NAZZI and Pio Federico ROVERSI


Piero GENOVESI (ISPRA): The problem of invasive species in Italy and Europe

Ignazio FLORIS (University of Sassari): Overview of the Italian Beekeeping situation in the light of recently introduced adversities

Franco MUTINELLI (Zooprophylactic Institute of the Venezie) and Vincenzo PALMERI (University of Reggio Calabria): History of the Aethina tumida infestation in Italy and interventions implemented since September 2014

Paolo AUDISIO (University ‘La Sapienza’, Rome): Origin of Aethina tumida and adaptations from anthophagy to melittophagy, from the study of autoecology in nature to the planning of control interventions

M. LODESANI (CREA-Apicoltura, Bologna): Epidemiology of Aethina tumida in the newly introduced areas (USA, Mexico and Canada) and objectives of the MIPAAF Finalised Project “AETHINET”

L. MAIORANO and P. AUDISIO (University “La Sapienza”, Rome): Probabilistic models and scenarios of potential spread of Aethina tumida in Italy and Europe


Karine MONCEAU (Centres d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé, University of La Rochelle, France): Vespa velutina: current situation and perspectives

Laura BORTOLOTTI (CREA-Apicoltura di Bologna): Velutina project: Italian research hunting for solution

Marco PORPORATO (University of Turin, DISAFA): Vespa velutina: from its arrival in Europe to its management in Italy with the LIFE STOPVESPA project

Alessandro CINI (Department of Biology, University of Florence): Recent advances in behavioural ecology of the yellow legged hornet Vespa velutina

Discussion and Conclusions


Lecture on ‘The Systematics of the Phytoseiidae: Historical Background, Current Situation and Prospects for Development’
Saturday 21 February 2015

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A


Lecture by Prof. Haralabos TSOLAKIS (University of Palermo) on ‘The Systematics of the Phytoseiidae: Historical Overview, Current Situation and Prospects for Development’.

Commemoration of Academician Emerita Graziella BOLCHI SERINI by Ordinary Academician Luciano SÜSS

Academy public session with panel discussion on:
“Rapid olive tree desiccation complex, a serious threat to Mediterranean agriculture”

Saturday 13 June 2015

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A

Public session of the Academy with round table on:
“Rapid olive tree desiccation complex, a serious threat to Mediterranean agriculture”, coordinated by Academician Giorgio NUZZACI

Giovanni Paolo MARTELLI (University of Bari): La Xylella fastidiosa e il Disseccamento Rapido dell’Olivo
Francesco PORCELLI (University of Bari): The state of the art on the control of Philaenus spumarius
Giuseppe STANCANELLI (EFSA, Parma): EFSA and the case of Xylella fastidiosa
Final discussion

Academy public session with panel discussion on:
“Pest control techniques and eradication of pests of forest interest”

Friday 12 June 2015

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A


Presentation by President Romano DALLAI

Introduction by Academic Coordinators Pietro LUCIANO, Andrea BATTISTI and Pio Federico ROVERSI

Introductory lecture: Alain ROQUES (Unité de Recherche Zoologie Forestière, INRA Orléans): Drivers and pathways of forest insect invasions in Europe: Can we predict the next arrivals?


Alberto SANTINI (Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection, CNR): Pathogen entry routes, invasions and their relations with insects

Gianni GILIOLI (University of Brescia): Modelling pest infestations of forest interest

Andrea LENTINI (University of Sassari): Results of Thaumetopoea pityocampa eradication interventions in Sardinia

Chiara FERRACINI (University of Turin): Biological control of Dryocosmus kuriphilus in Italy

Giuseppino SABBATINI (CRA, Research Centre for Agrobiology and Pedology, Florence): The eradication programmes of Anoplophora chinensis and A. glabripennis

Pio Federico ROVERSI (CRA, Research Centre for Agrobiology and Pedology, Florence): Biological control and risk assessment for the containment of damage by Leptoglossus occidentalis

Massimo FACCOLI (University of Padua): Pityophthorus juglandis new quarantine phytophage for walnut crops: danger and eradication possibilities

Final discussion

Conclusion of proceedings

Academy public session with reading on:
“The antennae of parasitoid hymenoptera: functional adaptations of multimodal appendages”

Saturday 14 November 2015

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A

Public sitting of the Academy with reading on:
“The antennae of parasitoid hymenoptera: functional adaptations of multimodal appendages”, by Academician Extraordinary Nunzio ISIDORO

Academy public session with panel discussion on:
“Statistics in entomological research: from inferential analysis to predictive models”

Friday 13 November 2015

Firenze – Via Romana, 17 – Aula 1

Presentation by President Romano DALLAI

Introduction by Academician Maurizio BIONDI


Pierfilippo CERRETTI (University of Padua): From numerical matrices to phylogenetic trees: history of observations, concepts, and more in entomology

Giovanni BURGIO (University of Bologna): From sampling to data analysis: issues and case studies in applied entomology

Ruggero PETACCHI (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa): Quantitative ecology of phytophagous insect populations: spatial analysis of data at different spatial scales

Simone FATTORINI (University of the Azores): Measuring insect rarity: problems and perspectives in conservation biology

Daniele SALVI (University of Porto): Statistical analysis of DNA sequences in phylogenetic and phylogeographic reconstruction: applications in entomological research

Discussion and Conclusions


Lecture by Ordinary Academician Gavino DELRIO on ‘An Old Diatribe of Entomology: Berlese versus Silvestri’
Saturday 15 November 2014

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A

Reading by Ordinary Academician Gavino DELRIO on “An Old Diatribe of Entomology: Berlese versus Silvestri”
Commemoration of the recently deceased Ordinary Academician Ferdinando BIN, by fellow Ordinary Academician Francesco PENNACCHIO.

Academy Public Session with Round Table on:
“Insect Vectors of Phytopathogens”
Coordinator Prof. Alberto ALMA

Friday 14 November 2014

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A

Presentation by President Romano DALLAI

Introduction by Academician Alberto ALMA


Giovanni Paolo MARTELLI (University of Bari): Approaches on Vine Virosis Transmitted by Airborne Vectors.

Assunta BERTACCINI (University of Bologna): State of knowledge on diseases due to phytopathogenic prokaryotes.

Domenico BOSCO (University of Turin): Xylella fastidiosa: established and potential vectors in America and Europe

Giuseppe COCUZZA (University of Catania): Citrus disease vectors: current state of knowledge and emerging problems.

Rosemarie TEDESCHI (University of Turin): Vectors of phytopathogens: new behavioural insights for the study of epidemiology and management.

Valerio MAZZONI (CRI – Edmund Mach Foundation): Ten years of studies on vibrational communication in Scaphoideus titanus: from theory to practice

Nicola MORI (University of Padua): Sustainable vector control strategies associated with grapevine yellows.

Discussion and conclusions

Lecture: ‘Insects as Environmental Indicators’
Saturday 22 February 2014

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A

Reading: “Insects as Environmental Indicators” by Academician Extraordinary Pietro BRANDMAYR.
Commemoration of Academician Luigi DE MARZO by Academicians Mario SOLINAS and Giorgio NUZZACI

Academy’s Public Session with Round Table on:
“Sustainable Management of Invasive Alien Plants by their Natural Enemies”

Friday 21 February 2014

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A

Presentation by President Romano DALLAI

Introduction by the Coordinators, Academics Giorgio NUZZACI and Enrico DE LILLO


Dr. Urs SCHAFFNER (CABI, Delémont, Switzerland): Ambrosia problems and the related COST Action SMARTER (Sustainable management of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Europe).

Dr. Massimo CRISTOFARO (ENEA C.R.Casaccia): Ceratapion basicorne (Illiger) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): laboratory and field bioassays to assess its physiological specificity as a control agent of Centaurea solstilialis L. (Asteraceae: Carduinae).

Academic Enrico DE LILLO (University of Bari Aldo Moro): Acari Eriophyoidea: some relevant characteristics for the biological control of weeds.

Academic Paolo AUDISIO (University of Rome La Sapienza): Molecular, morphological and bionomic evidence in the diagnostics of cryptic species of specialised phytophagous beetles.

Dr. Alessio DE BIASE (University of Rome La Sapienza): Molecular investigations on the species complex of Trichosirocalus horridus in the biological control of Carduinae infestans.

Dr. Maurizio VURRO (CNR, Bari): Pathogens and insects in the biological control of weeds: opportunities, limits and perspectives for joint use.


Discussion and Conclusions


Public Session of the Academy with panel discussion on:
“The Red Palm Weevil: New Findings and Possibilities for Population Control”

Friday 15 November 2013

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A

Presentation by President Romano DALLAI

Introduction by Academic Coordinators Santi LONGO and Pio Federico ROVERSI


Rita CERVO (University of Florence): Social and reproductive behaviour of the red palm weevil: learning more to combat this pest

Alessio DE BIASE (University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’): Preliminary analyses of genetic variability and differentiation in Asian and Mediterranean populations of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera Dryophtoridae)

Matteo MONTAGNA (University of Milan): The microbiome associated with Rhynchophorus ferrugineus

Valeria FRANCARDI (C.R.A.-ABP Firenze): Self-contaminating trap with entomopathogenic fungi: a possible strategy in the control of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) (Coleoptera Curculionidae)

Giuseppe MAZZA (C.R.A.-ABP Florence): Entomophages and Symbionts of the Red Palm Weevil

Salvatore GUARINO (University of Palermo): Identification and application of volatile repellent compounds in the control of red palm weevil populations

Pompeo SUMA (University of Catania): Monitoring Methods for Red Palm Weevil Infestations

Francesco PORCELLI (University of Bari): Means and methods of integrated control of the red palm weevil

Massimo CRISTOFARO (ENEA Rome): Red Weevil control by means of the sterile male technique (SIT): utopia or reality?

Francesco PAOLI – (C.R.A.-ABP Firenze): Ultrastructure of the reproductive apparatus of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus

Final discussion


Conclusion of proceedings

Public Session of the Academy
Lecture by Academician Extraordinary Andrea BATTISTI: “Insects and Climate Change”

Saturday 8 June 2013

Firenze – Via Romana 17 [Aula 1]

Public Session of the Academy
Lecture by Academician Extraordinary Andrea BATTISTI: “Insects and Climate Change”
– Commemoration of Academician Extraordinary Mario COLUZZI by Prof. Gilberto CORBELLINI of the University of Rome

Academy Public Session with panel discussion on:
“Mealybugs in cultivated plants: new findings and possible control strategies”

Friday 7 June 2013

Firenze – Via Romana 17 [Aula 1]

Presentation by President Romano DALLAI

Introduction by the coordinators: Academician Giuseppina PELLIZZARI and Agatino RUSSO


Dr Zvi MENDEL (Department of Entomology, Agricultural Research Organisation, Bet Dagan, Israel): Integration of scale insect sex pheromones in management strategies: ecological basis and practical research

Academic Agatino RUSSO and Dr. Pompeo SUMA (University of Catania): Optimisation of the use of synthetic semiochemicals in integrated control programmes of mealybugs in citrus fruits

Prof. Carlo DUSO (University of Padua): Problems associated with vine mealybugs

Prof. Francesco PORCELLI (University of Bari) Distribution and significance of the symbiosis between Diaspididae (Rhynchota) and Septobasidium spp. (Fungi)

Academic Giuseppina PELLIZZARI and Dr Nicola MORI (University of Padua) Pseudococcus comstocki infestations on fruit trees in north-eastern Italy and other European countries

Dr. Gaetana MAZZEO, Academician Santi LONGO, Academician Agatino RUSSO (University of Catania), Prof. Francesco PORCELLI (University of Bari), Academician Giuseppina PELLIZZARI (University of Padua): Invasive exotic ornamental species – review

Final discussion


Conclusion of proceedings

Public Session of the Academy
Lecture by Academician Extraordinary Bruno Massa: “Importance of Bioacoustics in Orthoptera Systematics”

Saturday 16 February 2013

Firenze – Via Romana 17 [Aula 1]

Presentation by President Romano DALLAI

Introduction by the coordinators: Academician Giuseppina PELLIZZARI and Agatino RUSSO


Dr Zvi MENDEL (Department of Entomology, Agricultural Research Organisation, Bet Dagan, Israel): Integration of scale insect sex pheromones in management strategies: ecological basis and practical research

Academic Agatino RUSSO and Dr. Pompeo SUMA (University of Catania): Optimisation of the use of synthetic semiochemicals in integrated control programmes of mealybugs in citrus fruits

Prof. Carlo DUSO (University of Padua): Problems associated with vine mealybugs

Prof. Francesco PORCELLI (University of Bari) Distribution and significance of the symbiosis between Diaspididae (Rhynchota) and Septobasidium spp. (Fungi)

Academic Giuseppina PELLIZZARI and Dr Nicola MORI (University of Padua) Pseudococcus comstocki infestations on fruit trees in north-eastern Italy and other European countries

Dr. Gaetana MAZZEO, Academician Santi LONGO, Academician Agatino RUSSO (University of Catania), Prof. Francesco PORCELLI (University of Bari), Academician Giuseppina PELLIZZARI (University of Padua): Invasive exotic ornamental species – review

Final discussion

Conclusion of proceedings

Academy Public Session with panel discussion on:
“Apoid Health: From Genes to Colony”

Friday 15 February 2013

Firenze – Via Romana 17 [Aula S1]

Presentation by President Romano DALLAI

Introduction by coordinators Academician Franco FRILLI and Academician Francesco Pennacchio


Academics Stefano TURILLAZZI and R CERVO: Health and defence in social insects

Academic Ignazio FLORIS: Colony collapse and beekeeping today

Prof. A. MANINO and Dr. M. PORPORATO (University of Turin): Wild bees: importance and problems

Dr Rinaldo NICOLI ALDINI (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Piacenza Branch): Microorganisms associated with Apoidea

Academics Francesco PENNACCHIO and F NAZZI: Stress agents and colony collapse disorder in bees


Discussion and Conclusions


Lecture by Honorary Academician Miguel Angel ALTIERI: “Managing insect pests in the agroecosystems of the future”
Saturday 9 June 2012

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A

Reading by Honorary Academician Miguel Angel ALTIERI: “Management of insect pests in the agro-ecosystems of the future”.

Academy Public Session with panel discussion on: “Antagonists, symbionts and new control strategies”
Friday 8 June 2012

Firenze – Via Romana 17 [Sala degli scheletri – piano terra]

Presentation by President Romano DALLAI

Introduction by Academicians Francesco PENNACCHIO and Barbara GIORDANA


Academics Francesco Pennacchio (University of Naples Federico II) and Barbara Giordana (University of Milan): Multitrophic insect interactions and new control strategies

Matteo Lorito (University of Naples Federico II): Beneficial microorganisms for the control of important plant diseases: new strategies and state-of-the-art products

Alberto Alma (University of Turin): Symbiotic microorganisms: a resource for the control of pathogens and harmful insects

Luca Ruiu and Ignazio Floris (University of Sassari): New perspectives on microbiological pest control

Morena Casartelli (University of Milan): The midgut of insects: target and barrier of bioinsecticides


Discussion and conclusions

Academy Public Session with panel discussion on:
“The resistance of insects of agricultural interest to insecticides”

Friday 16 November 2012

Firenze – Via Romana 17 [Aula S1]


Introduction by Academician Piero CRAVEDI


Ian DENHOLM (Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, U.K.): Recent advances in understanding and combating insecticide resistance

Vincenzo TALESA (University of Perugia): Role of cholinesterases in insecticide resistance

Emanuele MAZZONI and Piero CRAVEDI (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Piacenza Branch): Insecticide resistance in Rhinoptera Homoptera

Giancarlo MANICARDI and Stefano CASSANELLI (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia): Insecticide resistance in Lepidoptera: Cydia pomonella as a case study

Carlo DUSO (University of Padua): Acaricide resistance

Kevin GORMAN (Oxitec Ltd, Abingdon, Oxford U.K.): Next generation insecticide resistance management-transgenic contributions


Discussion and conclusions

Public Session of the Academy
Saturday 18 February 2012

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A

– Lecture by Dr. Luigi Ponti: “Managing invasive species within an agro-ecological vision: the case of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick)”
– Commemoration of President Emeritus Baccio BACCETTI by Ordinary Academicians Romano DALLAI and PIO FEDERICO ROVERSI
– Commemoration of Academician Emeritus Cesare CONCI by Ordinary Academician Roberto POGGI

Academy Public Session with panel discussion on “The Tomato Moth, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick)”
Friday 17 February 2012

Firenze – Via Romana 17 [Sala degli scheletri – piano terra]


Presentation by President Romano DALLAI

Introduction by Academician Carmelo RAPISARDA


Academic Carmelo Rapisarda:  Origin, Spread and Phytosanitary Valence of the Tomato Moth, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick)

L. Sannino (C.R.A., Research Unit for Alternative Crops to Tobacco): Systematic framework and morpho-biological aspects of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick)

M. Giorgini (C.N.R., Institute for Plant Protection): The parasitoids of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) in Italy

L. Zappalà (University of Catania): Adaptation of indigenous limiters: the parasitoid Bracon nigricans

L. Tavella (University of Turin): Adaptation of native limiters: the parasitoids of the genus Necremnus and the predator Dicyphus errans

G. Delrio (University of Sassari): Perspectives and limits of the use of sex pheromones for the control of the tomato moth

G. Siscaro (University of Catania): Integrated pest management approaches for the containment of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) in Italy


Discussion and conclusions


Public Session of the Academy
Saturday 19 February 2011

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A

Commemoration of Academician Emeritus Sandro Ruffo by Ordinary Academician Giuseppe Osella.

Academy’s Public Session with panel discussion on: ‘Commodity entomology for the prevention and control of pests in the food industry’
Friday 18 February 2011

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A


Presentation by President Romano DALLAI

Introduction by Academician Luciano SSS


Stejskal Vaclav (Crop Research Institute, Prague): The role of urban entomology to ensure food safety and security

P. Cravedi (Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Piacenza), L. Sss (University of Milan): Development of knowledge in Italy on post-harvest pests: past, present, future

P. Trematerra (University of Molise, Campobasso): Reflections on pheromones of food pests

A. Russo (University of Catania): Limits and perspectives of post-harvest biological control applications

G. S. Germinara (Dip. Di.S.A.C.D., University of Foggia, Foggia), A. De Cristofaro (University of Molise, Campobasso), G. Rotundo (University of Molise, Campobasso): Biological activity of cereal volatile compounds towards Sitophilus spp.

M. Maroli (Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome): Entomatic contamination in the food chain of plant origin: health control and tolerance limits


Discussion and Conclusions

Public Session of the Academy
Saturday 19 November 2011

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A

Commemoration of Academician Giorgio Celli by Academician Stefano Maini.

Academy Public Session with panel discussion on ‘Structure and Functions of Insect Marpighian Tubules’
Friday 18 November 2011

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A


Presentation and introduction by President Romano DALLAI


Academician Romano Dallai: The Excretory Organs of Insects

Academic Barbarta Giordana: The Role of Malpighian Tubules

G. Leonardi (DIPSA, University of Milan): Cellular and molecular structures of Malpighian tubules involved in ion- and osmoregulation

M. Casartelli (Department of Biology, University of Milan): Malpighian tubules in detoxification and defence processes

B. Conti (Department of Cultivation and Defence of Woody Species G. Scaramuzzi University of Pisa ): Complementary functions of Malpighian tubules


Discussion and conclusions

Public Session of the Academy
Saturday 19 November 2011

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A

Commemoration of Academician Giorgio Celli by Academician Stefano Maini.


Public Session of the Academy
Saturday 20 November 2010

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A

Dr Enzo Colonnelli will commemorate Academician Luigi Magnano.

Academy Public Session with Round Table on: ‘The Eastern Chestnut Cinnipid’
Friday 19 November 2010

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A


Presentation by President Baccio BACCETTI

Introduction by academician Alberto ALMA


A. Alma, A. Quacchia, C. Ferracini: Origin, spread and measures taken to contain the chestnut gall in Europe

G.S. Germinara, A. De Cristofaro, G. Rotundo: Identification of volatile substances involved in host plant localisation in Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu

R. Botta, C. Sartor, D. Torello Marinoni, F. Dini, G. Beccaro, G. Mellano: Response of chestnut genotypes to the gall gall gall wasp and control strategies based on resistance mechanisms

R. Romani, M.V. Rossi Stacconi, G. Rondoni, C. Ricci: Bio-ecological and morphological investigations in the Dryocosmus kuriphilus – Torymus sinensis system

E. Guerrieri, U. Bernardo, M. Gebiola, L. Iodice: Morpho-bio-molecular identification and trophic interactions of autochthonous antagonists of Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu in Campania”.


Discussion and Conclusions

Academy Public Session on the Year’s Theme ‘Entomocecids: Genesis, Development, Ecology, Biodiversity’
Friday 4 June 2010

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A


Presentation by President Baccio BACCETTI

Academic Mario SOLINAS: Introduction

Dr Odette Rohfritsch, (Research Director, CNRS, Botanical Institute, University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, FR): “Genesis and development of dipterocecidia”.

Prof. Giuseppina Pellizzari Scaltriti (University of Padua): ‘Entomocecids of the Italian flora

Prof. Enrico De Lillo (University of Bari): Acarocecidae of the Italian flora


Discussion and closure

Public meeting of the Academy on the theme of the year ‘Entomocecids: genesis, development, ecology, biodiversity’
Friday 4 June 2010

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A

Presentation by President Baccio BACCETTI

Academician Mario SOLINAS: Introduction

Dr Odette Rohfritsch, (Direttore Ricerca, CNRS, Istituto Botanico, Università Louis Pasteur, Strasburgo, FR): “Genesis and development of dipterocecidia”

Prof. Giuseppina Pellizzari Scaltriti (University of Padua): ‘Entomocecids of the Italian flora

Prof. Enrico De Lillo (Università di Bari): Acarocecidi della flora italiana


Discussion and closure

Public Session of the Academy
Saturday 20 February 2010

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A

Academic Mario Solinas will present a general introduction on the academic topic of the year 2010: Entomocecidae: genesis, development, ecology, biodiversity.
Lecture by Academician Luigi De Marzo: Two distinguished entomologists: Giorgio Fiori and Vincenzo Lupo.


Public Meeting of the Academy
Saturday 28 November 2009

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A

Honorary Academician Juergen TAUTZ will commemorate Honorary Academician Martin LINDAUER.

Public Session of the Academy with round table on:
Biotechnics and new frontiers in the defence of forest ecosystems
coordinated by Academician Pio Federico ROVERSI

Friday 27 November 2008

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A


Presentation by President Baccio BACCETTI

Academic Pio Federico ROVERSI: Introduction

Academics M.V. COVASSI and L.MASUTTI: Italian Forest Entomology

Academics S. LONGO: Exotic pests and biological invasions in forest ecosystems’

Prof. A. BATTISTI: Effects of climate change on forest insect populations

Academic P. LUCIANO: Pest monitoring techniques and use of georeferenced data

Academic O. TRIGGIANI: Control strategies with entomopathogens

Prof. R. TIBERI: Biological control of forest pests: ongoing research

Academic A. BINAZZI: Biotechnical interventions in forest environments in Italy



Conclusion of proceedings

Public Meeting of the Academy
Saturday 28 February 2009

Firenze – Via Lanciola, 12/A

Academician Pio Federico ROVERSI will present an introduction on the academic topic of the year 2009:
Biotechnologies and new frontiers in the defence of forest ecosystems


Public Meeting of the Academy
Saturday 29 November 2008

Firenze – Tribuna di Galileo – Via Romana, 17

Lecture by Academician Luigi DE MARZO on:
Biodiversity of the spermatheca in Coleoptera

Academy Public Session with Round Table on:
Molecular Genetics of Insect Development
coordinated by Academicians Carla MALVA and Romano DALLAI

Friday 28 November 2008

Firenze – Tribuna di Galileo – Via Romana, 17

Presentation by President Baccio BACCETTI

Academic Carla MALVA: Introduction

Prof Giuseppe GARGIULO (Department of Experimental Evolutionary Biology, University of Bologna) Regulation of gene expression in D. melanogaster oogenesis: genes coding for vitelline membrane proteins

Prof. Giuliano Callaini (Department of Evolutionary Biology, University of Siena) Drosophila spermatogenesis: a model system for studying the cell cycle


Conclusion of proceedings