Osella Award
The Italian National Academy of Entomology, with the support of the ‘Marco Osella’ Foundation, periodically awards a prize in favour of a young and talented Italian scholar working in the field of Entomology, who has fruitfully undertaken research in at least one of the following areas: faunistics, systematics, relations with the environment, evaluation and conservation of biodiversity. The spirit of the initiative is to encourage young and capable researchers working in one of the above-mentioned fields and to foster their scientific growth.
History of the establishment of the ‘Osella Foundation’ for the management of the ‘Marco Osella’ Award
February 1997
At the General Meeting held on 28 February in the presence of Notary Helio Pierotti and Mrs. Margherita Pagliano Osella and Academician Giuseppe Osella, the FONDAZIONE OSELLA was presented with its affiliation at the Academy and the ‘Marco Osella Prize Committee’ was established with a patrimonial fund of 31 million lire.
The President of the Academy proposes that the endowment fund be increased by ITL 2 million by the Academy, and the Assembly mandates the formalisation of the Foundation at the Academy.
May 1997
At the Plenary Assembly of 31 May (see agenda item 5), Academician Sandro Ruffo reported that the deed of incorporation of the ‘Marco Osella Foundation’ had been drawn up (at the office of Notary Elio Pierotti) and the deed of recognition of the same was about to be forwarded to the President of the Republic. LIT 2 million was added to the initial capital of LIT 31 million by the Academy.
At the same Assembly, a Commission was set up to award the 1st Marco Osella Prize.
Art. 1 – In memory of young Marco Osella, who was born in Turin on 22 June 1965 and died in L’Aquila on 14 May 1995, a Foundation named ‘Fondazione Marco Osella’ is established. The Foundation has its affiliation in Florence, at the ‘Accade-mia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia’, erected into a non-profit organisation by Presidential Decree No. 19 May 1954. 691.
Art. 2 – The Foundation aims to promote research on the insects of the Italian Fauna, within one or more of the following themes:
- systematic,
- fauna,
- relations with the environment, biodiversity assessment and conservation.
To this end, the Foundation, also on a periodic basis:
- establishes, in favour of deserving young scholars, aged 32 (thirty-two) years or less, who intend to proceed in the field of research constituting the purpose of the Foundation:
- cash prizes
- prizes in medals, diplomas, certificates
- contributions for particular research
- scholarships for Italy or abroad
- undertakes any other initiative (including possible collaboration agreements with similar institutions or foundations) that is deemed suitable from time to time for the pursuit of the Foundation’s purpose.
Art. 3 – The initial assets of the Foundation are 31,000,000 (thirty-one million) Lire.
This patrimony may be increased and replenished by oblations, donations, legacies or donations from public or private natural or legal persons.
The Foundation pursues its purpose with its assets; the money may only be invested in real estate or in government securities or bonds.
Art. 4 – The administrative body of the Foundation is the President’s Council of the Italian National Academy of Entomology.
The administrative offices of the Academy also fulfil the secretarial tasks of the Foundation.
Art. 5 – The financial year of the Foundation shall begin on the first of January of each year and end on the thirty-first of December of the same year.
The Italian National Academy of Entomology prepares, in the manner and within the terms set forth by its Statute, the budget and the final balance sheet, which are submitted to the approval of the Assembly of the Members of the same Academy; in any case, the Foundation’s assets and income cannot be diverted, not even upon liquidation, from the destination set forth in Articles 2) and 3) above.
Art. 6 – Grants, prizes, scholarships shall be awarded according to the judgement of a special Commission, composed of three full members and two substitutes, elected by the Assembly of the Academy.
The Commission appoints a President and a Secretary from among its members.
Art. 7 – Contributions, prizes, scholarships may not be awarded to members of the Italian National Academy of Entomology.
The handover was made by Prof. Giuseppe B. Osella or Mrs. Margherita Pogliano Osella, parents of the young Marco Osella, or by the President of the Italian National Academy of Entomology, during the latter’s inaugural session.
Art. 8 – The legal representation of the Foundation in front of third parties and in court is assigned to the President of the Italian National Academy of Entomology.
Furthermore, the President, or, in the event of his absence or impediment, whoever replaces him in accordance with the Statute of the Italian National Academy of Entomology:
- he signs the deeds and whatever is necessary for the conduct of all the affairs of the foundation;
- ensures the execution of the resolutions;
- supervises the smooth administrative running of the Foundation;
- ensures compliance with the Statute;
- handles relations with guardianship authorities;
- takes, in case of urgency, any appropriate action, reporting back to the Academic Body as soon as possible.
Art. 9 – No special remuneration is due to the organs and offices of the Italian National Academy of Entomology, for their activities in favour of the Foundation, except for the reimbursement of any expenses incurred by reason of the assignment.
Art. 10 – For anything not provided for in these Statutes, reference is made to the Statute of the Italian National Academy of Entomology and to the relevant laws.
F.to Alessandro Ruffo
F.to Buffolo Katia
F.to Claudia Davanzo
F.to Dr.Helio Pierrotti Notaio (L.S.)
Winners of the ‘Marco Osella Prize
Year / Edition | Winner’s name |
1999 | Antonio Carapelli |
2002 | Not assigned |
2004 | Not assigned |
2006 | Pierfilippo Cerretti |
2008 | Mauro Gobbi |
2010 | Fabio Sgolastra |
2014 | Giuseppe Mazza |
2016 | Giovanni Benelli |
2020 | Davide Rassati |
2022 | Enrico Schifani |
2024 | Andrea Ferrari |