Roberto Nannelli
Born in Florence, 16 settembre 1948.
-Graduated in Biological Sciences in 1972 at University of Florence.
– Established researcher since 1976 at Experimental Institute for Agricultural Zoology
– Senior Research Fellow, Agricultural Research Council
– Associate Editor of the journal Redia since 1988; Editor in Chief of Redia 2010-2019.
– Member of the Italian National Academy of Entomology (Treasurer).
– Member of European Association of Acarologists (EURAAC) since its foundation.
Activities:-Acarologist in agricultural and forest environment; Curator of “Berlese Acaroteca”.
Bernini F., Castagnoli M., Nannelli R., 1995 – 24. Arachnida Acari. In: A. Minelli, S. Ruffo e S. La Posta (Ed.s). Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana. 130 pp.
Bernini F., Nannelli R,. Nuzzaci G., de Lillo E. (Editors), 2002 – Acarid phylogeny and evolution: adaptation in mites and ticks. Proceedings of the IV Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 451 pp. + XVII.
Nannelli R., Severino M., Turillazzi S. (Eds) 2006 and 2013 – Allergologia e Dermatologia Entomologiche – Identificazione dei principali Artropodi cause di reazioni locali e sistemiche. Le terapie associate. Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia.
Simoni S., Nannelli R., Roversi P.F., Turchetti T., Bouneb M., 2014 – Thyreophagus corticalis as a vector of hypovirulence in Cryphonectria parasitica in chestnut stands. – Experimental and Applied Acarlogy, 62: 363-375.DOI 10.1007/s10493-013-9738-y
Bouneb M., Turchetti T., Nannelli R., Roversi P.F., Paoli F., Danti R., Simoni S., 2016 – Occurrence and transmission of mycovirus Cryphonectria hypovirus 1 from dejecta of Thyreophagus corticalis (Acari, Acaridae). – Fungal Biology, 129: 351-357.