Emilio Guerrieri
Emilio Guerrieri Director of Research CNR from 2020, Scientific Associate of the Natural History Museum London (UK) from2003, Research Associate of DISIT at l’Università del Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogadro, lecturer of Entomology at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. Master degree cum laude in Agricultural Sciences, PhD in Entomology. He coordinated 25 projects (international, national, regional), author of 78 pubblications on JCR journals including PNAS, New Phytologist, MPMI, Journal of Pest Science, Journal of Chemical Ecology e Systematic Entomology, 2 book chapters, 4 monographries. Curator of the Handbook of IPM of Italian Ministero delle Politiche Ambientali Agrarie e Forestali. Member of editorial board di Frontiers of Plant Science (Plant-Microbe interactions) and Entomologia generalis, referee for international journals including Trends in Plant Science, Environmental and Experimental Botany, Systematic Entomology, Zoological Journal of Linnean Society. Total citations: 2834 (February 2020), H-index=27. Main topic of interest: biological control pf agricultural anf forest pests with special reference to: a: volatile organic compounds regulating plant-pest-antagonist interactions; b: integrated characterization of parasitoid insects for their use in biocontrol prgrammes; c: sustainable control of invasive species; d: belowground aboveground interactions.
GANASSI S, CASCONE P, DI DOMENICO C, PISTILLO M, FORMISANO G, GIORGINI M, GRAZIOSO P, GERMINARA GS, DE CRISTOFARO A, GUERRIERI E – 2020 – Electrophysiological and behavioural response of Philaenus spumarius to essential oils and aromatic plants. Scientific Reports 10:3114.
GIORGINI M, WANG X, WANG Y, CHEN F-S, HOUGARDY E, ZHANG H-M, CHEN Z-Q, CHEN H-Y, LIU C, CASCONE P, FORMISANO G, A. CARVALHO G, BIONDI A, BUFFINGTON M, DAANE K, HOELMER K, GUERRIERI E – 2018 – Exploration for native parasitoids of Drosophila suzukii in China reveals a diversity of parasitoid species and narrow host range of the dominant parasitoid species. Journal of Pest Science 92: 509-522 (IF: 4.402) (Guerrieri E.: last name)
COPPOLA M, CASCONE P, BOSSI S, CORRRADO, GARONNA AP, MAFFEI ME, RAO R, GUERRIERI E – 2018 – Tps genes silencing alters constitutive indirect and direct defence in tomato. Special Issue Plant-Insect interactions-International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19: 2748; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms19092748 (IF: 3.687) (Guerrieri E.: last name)
CATOLA S, CENTRITTO M, CASCONE P, RANIERI A, LORETO F, CALAMAI L, BALESTRINI R, GUERRIERI E – 2018 – Effects of single or combined water deficit and aphid attack on tomato volatile organic compound (VOC) emission and plant-plant communication. Environmental and Experimental Botany 153: 44-62 (IF: 4.37 ) (Guerrieri E.: last name)
BIRKETT MA, CAMPBELL CAM, CHAMBERLAIN K, GUERRIERI E, HICK AJ, MARTIN JL, MATTHES M, NAPIER JA, PETTERSSON J, PICKETT JA, POPPY GM, POW EM, PYE BJ, SMART LE, WADHAMS GH, WADHAMS LJ, WOODCOCK CM – 2000 – New roles for cis-jasmone as an insect semiochemical and in plant defence. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences 97 (16): 9329-9334