Antonio Pietro Garonna
Since 2007 he is working as Associate Professor of Entomology at the Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Naples “Federico II”; to date Course leader and trainer of “IPM in Forest environments”. Assistant professor from 1991 until 2003. He achieved the PhD title in 1990 and MSc (Laurea) (110/110) in Agricultural Sciences, at University of Naples during 1986.
Since 2016 he is corresponding member of the Italian Academy of Forest Sciences. As scientific director of the Museum of Entomology “Filippo Silvestri” (2006-2020), he is member of the Scientific Board of MUSA (Museo delle Scienze Agrarie), University of Naples “Federico II”.
Main scientific researches/interests:
-Natural enemies of main agricultural and forest pests;
-Biosystematics of hymenopteran parasitoids;
-Saproxylic insects and natural habitat conservation;
-Globalisation, allochtonous species and their sustainable control;
-Physiological interactions between endoparasitic hymenoptera and their hosts;
-Interactions between plants and insect herbivores.
Author / coauthor of 120 scientific papers and educational publications, communications and posters.
GARONNA A.P., FOSCARI A., RUSSO E., JESU G., SOMMA S., CASCONE P., & E. GUERRIERI – 2018. The spread of the non-native Pine tortoise scale Toumeyella parvicornis (Hemiptera: Coccidae) in Europe: a major threat to Pinus pinea in Southern Italy. iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry, 11: 628-634.
BOSSO L., SMERALDO S., RAPUZZI P., SAMA G., GARONNA A.P. & D. RUSSO – 2018. Ecological niche models show that Natura 2000 network and National protected areas in Europe are insufficient to preserve the threatened beetle Rosalia alpina (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Ecological Entomology, 43: 192-203.
DELVARE G., GEBIOLA M., ZAIRI A. & A.P. GARONNA – 2014. Revision and phylogeny of the European species of the Eurytoma morio species group (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae), parasitoids of bark and wood boring beetles. Zool. J. Linnean Society, 171: 370-421.
MANCINI D., GARONNA A.P. & P.A. PEDATA – 2013. A new embryonic pattern in parasitic wasps: divergence in early development may not be associated with lifestyle. Evolution & Development, 15(6): 418–425.
CORRADO G., ALAGNA F., ROCCO M., RENZONE G., VARRICCHIO P., COPPOLA V., COPPOLA M., GARONNA A., BALDONI L., SCALONI A. & R. RAO – 2012. Molecular interactions between the olive and the fruit fly Bactrocera oleae. BMC Plant Biology, 12: 86.