Ignazio Floris
Full Professor of Entomology (SSD AGR/11- General and applied entomology).
Coordinator of the PhD course in “Agricultural Sciences” at the University of Sassari
National Head of the “API” working group and Vice-Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the Agricultural Entomology Section of the Italian Entomological Society.
Organizer of scientific meetings in apidology and entomology at national and international level and visiting professor at the Universidad de Granada (Spain) and the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (Argentina).
Responsible and coordinator of research groups on apidology and entomology at national and international level with the financial support of various institutions.
Referee for the main international entomological and apidological journals and Member of the Editorial Board of REDIA (peer- reviewed Journal of Zoology) and Insects (Open Acess Journal).
Inventor of “A new method for the microbiological control of Musca domestica using formulations containing a new strain of Brevibacillus laterosporus”. Patent for industrial invention no. MI 2006 A001765. European Patent EP2079314. US Patent 8,076,119.
Patent thanks to which the National Award for Innovation (PNI2009) has been achieved.
The apidological and entomological research is documented by about 250 scientific publications.
Floris I., Carta C., Moretti M.D.L., 1996 – Activity of various essential oils against Bacillus larvae White in vitro and in apiary trials. Apidologie, 27: 111-119.
Floris I., 1997 – A sequential sampling technique for female adult mites of Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans in the sealed worker brood of Apis mellifera ligustica Spin. Apidologie 28, 63-70.
Floris I., Satta A., Cabras P., Garau V.L., Angioni A., 2004 – Comparison Between two Thymol Formulations in the Control of Varroa destructor: Effectiveness, Persistence, and
Residues. Journal of Economic Entomology, 97 (2): 187-191.
Ruiu L, Satta A, Floris I, 2012. Observations on house fly larvae midgut ultrastructure after Brevibacillus laterosporus ingestion. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 111: 211-216.
Pusceddu M., Floris I., Buffa F., Salaris E., Satta A., 2017 – Agonistic interactions between the honeybee (Apis mellifera ligustica) and the European wasp (Vespula germanica) reveal context dependent defense strategies. PLoS ONE, 12, 7: e0180278.