
Upcoming Events

3-5 April 2025:
CONFERENCE INF-ACT 2025 – a step ahead
Napoli (IT)
14-16 May 2025:
XII European Symposium on Saproxylic Ecology
Firenze (IT)
16-20 June 2025:
Italian National Congress of Entomology
Siena (IT)

Past Events

26 November 2024 VIDEO
La protezione delle piante senza chimica?
Innovazione, sostenibilità e realtà
25-30 August 2024:
International Congress of Entomology (ICE 2024) Kyoto
21-26 July 2024:
14 June 2024:
Filippo Silvestri Memorial Award
16-20 October 2023:
XII European Congress of Entomology (ECE 2023) – Creta
12-13 July 2023:
IV Convegno AISSA #under40
12-16 June 2023:
20-23 February 2023:
Entomology Congress 2023 – Bolzano
ICE2022 5-9 September 2022:
15th IOBC-MRQA Workshop – Bologna
ICE2022 17-22 July 2022:
XXVI International Congress of Entomology Helsinki – Finland
IEIC6 12-15 July 2022:
IX Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists – Bari
IEIC6 3-7 July 2022:
14 September 2021:
UZI Webinar Interdisciplinary Zoology Days – Forensic Zoology
5-10 September 2021:
36° Annual Congress of the International Society of Chemical Ecology
October – November 2021:
European Congress of the IUSSI (International Union for the Study of Social Insects)
XXI SEL 7-11 June 2021:
XXVI Italian National Congress of Entomology
22 December 2020:
Webinar on Biodiversity and Plant Protection – CREA
Insects living in the wood of trees
Man’s best friend… also in Plant Protection
30 November-4 December 2020:
XI Annual Meeting European PhD Network “Insect Science” – Online
15 July 2020:
Round table: Plant Health: A One-Health Vision – VIDEO
28 November 2019 – 28 February 2020:
Show “Entomology in Bologna between teaching and research”
XXI SEL 5-8 November 2019:
Integrated Protection in Viticulture – Vila Real (Portogallo)
XXI SEL 22-23 November 2019:
41° Congress of the Italian Society of Biogeography – Roma
IEIC6 2-4 October 2019:
International Congress of Biophysics of Photosynthesis – Roma
IEIC6 9-13 September 2019:
IEIC6 – 6th International Entomophagous Insects Conference – Perugia
IEIC6 16-23 September 2019:
19th European Carabidologists’ Meeting – Fiera di Primiero (TN)
XVII AISASP 4-5 July 2019:
XVII Conference AISASP – Firenze
XXI SEL 3-7 June 2019:
XXI European Congress of Lepidopterology – Campobasso
2-6 July 2018:
European Congress of Entomology, ECE2018 – Napoli
XXVII SIE 18-21 June 2017:
XXVII National Conference of the Italian Society of Ethology (S.I.E.) – Calci (Pisa)
XXV CNIE 20-24 June 2016:
XXV Italian National Congress of Entomology – Padova
XXIV CNIE 15-20 September 2015:
44th Apimondia Congress 2015 – Daejeon, Korea
XXIV CNIE 04-09 October 2015:
4th International Entomophagous Insects Conference 2015 – Malaga, Spagna
XXIV CNIE 13-16 June 2016:
XIV International Symposium on Scale Insect Studies (ISSIS) – Catania
XXIV CNIE 09-14 June 2014:
XXIV Italian National Congress of Entomology – Orosei (NU)
IOCB wprs IPM in Protected Crops - II advertisement 09-12 October 2012:
IOBC wprs Working Group Meeting “Integrated Control in Protected Crops, Mediterranean Climate”
Plant Microbe Insect Interaction 24-26 September 2012:
Plant-microbe-insect interactions: from molecular mechanisms to ecological implications
V Congress of the European Sections of the I.U.S.S.I. - website 26-30 August 2012:
5th Congress – European Sections of the I.U.S.S.I.
ECBB 2012 20-22 July 2012:
VIth European Conference on Behavioural Biology – ECBB 2012
Training day - Termite emergency? 13 April 2012:
Training day – Termite emergency?
Conference - Drosophila suzukii: a new threat to European fruit production 2 December 2011:
Conference – Drosophila suzukii: a new threat to European fruit production
Study day in honour of E. Tremblay 7 October 2011:
Study day in honour of Ermenegildo Tremblay
VI International Symposium on Molecular Insect Science - website 2-5 October 2011:
Sixth International Symposium on Molecular Insect Science
XXIII Italian National Congress of Entomology - website 13-16 June 2011: XXIII Italian National Congress of Entomology
Conference - Catania - 30 May 2011 30 May 2011:Phylogeny, biodiversity and application aspects of Insects
1st Anual Meeting of the PhD Network 15 – 18 November 2010: 1st Annual Meeting of the PhD Network “Insect Science”
The Way to the Market: International Conference on Beekeeping Development and Honey Marketing 30 October – 2 November 2010: The Way to the Market: International Conference on Beekeeping Development and Honey Marketing
AISASP logo 3-6 May 2010:
Italian Section I.U.S.S.I.
International Union for the Study of Social Insects
Prize Müller Trieste - 2009 29 October – 18 December 2009:
Notice of competition for the award of the ‘Emma and Giuseppe Müller’ prize to scientific works concerning the entomofauna of the Venezia Giulia geographic
Aerobiology Course Logo 16-17 October 2009:
Environment and Health Project
5th Course in Aerobiology and
Allergological Entomology
XXII Italian National Congress of Entomology -website 15-18 June 2009: XXII Italian National Congress of Entomology
VIII International Symposium on Aphids - website 8-12 June 2009: 8th International Symposium on Aphids