Maria Cristina Digilio
Born in Naples, Italy, 22 December 1959
Home address: via A. Falcone 252
Associate Professor
Main scientific interests: Scientific activity concerns environmental-friendly and novel techniques for the control of insect pests. The lead is to expand the actual knowledge regarding interactions between plant, herbivore insects, natural enemies and symbiont microorganisms, particularly:
– insecticide activity of plant-derived compounds
– impact of plant/PGPF interactions on insect pests
– insecticide activity of microorganisms compounds
– side effects of GM plants
– characterization of plant defence mechanisms
– characterization of host/parasitoid interactions
Digilio MC, Corrado G, Sasso R, Coppola V, Iodice L, Pasquariello M, Bossi S, Maffei M, Coppola M, Pennacchio F, Rao R, Guerrieri E, 2010. Molecular and chemical mechanisms involved in aphid resistance in cultivated tomato. New Phytologist doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03314.x
Coppola M, Cascone P, Chiusano Ml, Colantuono C, Lorito M, Pennacchio F, Rao R, Woo SL, Guerrieri E, Digilio MC, 2017. Trichoderma harzianum enhances tomato indirect defense against aphids. Insect Science doi.org/10.1111/1744-7917.12475
Coppola M, Manco E, Vitiello A, Giorgini M, Rao R, Pennacchio F, Digilio MC, 2018. Plant response to feeding aphids promotes aphid dispersal. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata doi.org/10.1111/eea.12677
Coppola M, Cascone P, Di Lelio I, Woo Sl, Lorito M, Rao R, Pennacchio F, Guerrieri E, Digilio MC, 2019. Trichoderma atroviride P1 Colonization of tomato plants enhances both direct and indirect defense barriers against insects. Frontiers in Physiology doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2019.00813
Coppola M, Diretto G, Digilio MC, Woo Sl, Giuliano G, Molisso D, Pennacchio F, Lorito M, Rao R, 2019. Transcriptome and metabolome reprogramming in tomato plants by Trichoderma harzianum strain T22 primes and enhances defence responses against aphids. Frontiers in Physiology doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2019.00745