Andrea Di Giulio
He received his degree in Biological Sciences in 1994 from Sapienza University of Rome, with 110/110 cum laude, and the PhD in Animal Biology in 1999 (Sapienza University). He carried out a year of research in 2000 at the University of Basel (Switzerland), and in 2004 became Assistant Professor at Roma Tre University. In 2014 he spent one year as Research Scholar at the University of Arizona (Tucson, USA), and he became Associate Professor in Zoology at the Department of Science of Roma Tre University. He teaches Entomology since 2002 and is head of the Entomology and Parasitology Lab. He is part of numerous scientific societies and serves as referee for more than 30 international journals.
His scientific activity, documented by the publication of almost 100 papers in ISI journals, involves the taxonomic, phylogenetic, biogeographical and evolutionary study of various groups of insects (beetles and their immature stages, ants, hover flies, moths) and ticks. Several adaptive strategies (parasitism, predation, defense, communication and reproduction) are addressed through multiple approaches, which integrate molecular, chemical, electrophysiological and bioacoustic investigations with comparative functional morphology and ultrastructural anatomy, using both classical (optical microscopy, confocal, SEM, TEM) and innovative (FIB/SEM and micro-CT) microscopic techniques.
Scarparo G., d’Ettorre P., Di Giulio A. 2019. Chemical deception and structural adaptation in Microdon (Diptera, Syrphidae, Microdontinae), a genus of hoverflies parasitic on social insects. Journal of Chemical Ecology 45:959–971
Moore W., Di Giulio A. 2019. Out of the burrow and into the nest: Functional anatomy of three life history stages of Ozaena lemoulti (Coleoptera: Carabidae) reveals an obligate life with ants. PLoS ONE 14(1): e0209790. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0209790
Di Giulio A., Muzzi M., Romani R. 2015. Functional anatomy of the explosive defensive system of bombardier beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Brachininae). Arthropod Structure & Development 44(5): 468-490.
Di Giulio A., Maurizi E., Barbero F., Sala M., Fattorini S., Balletto E., Bonelli S. 2015. The Pied Piper: a parasitic beetle’s melodies modulate ant behaviours. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0130541. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0130541
Di Giulio A., Moore W. 2004. The first-instar larva of the genus Arthropterus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Paussinae): implications for evolution of myrmecophily and phylogenetic relationships within the subfamily. Invertebrate Systematics 18(2): 101-115.