Marco Alberto Bologna
Born in Turin (1954); Degree in Biology (1978); Zoologist at Ministry of Environment (1979-1983); Researcher Univ. L’Aquila (1983-1992); Associate Prof. Univ. Tuscia (1992-1994) and Roma Tre (1994-2001); Full Professor. Roma Tre (2001-).
Univ. Roma Tre: Head Dept. Environmental Biology (2009-2013); Coordinator Ph.D. Biology (2008-2016); Delegate of Rector Didactic activities (2015-2017); Coordinator Project “Excellence” Dept. Sciences (2018-); Head Dept. Sciences, Member of the Academic Senate (2019-).
Member of the National Italian Academy of Entomology (2001-). President of the Scientific Committee for the Italian Fauna (2000-).
Member of: “Fauna” Committee of the Italian Zoological Society (1992-2000); Organizing Committee XX Intern. Congr. Entomology, (1996) and XI Europ. Congr. Entomology (2016-2018). Attended and organized numerous national and international congresses. Member (with directive offices): Italian Entomological Society, (1970-); Italian Society of Biogeography (1978-); Italian Zoological Society (1982-); Italian Herpetological Society (1992-). Reviewer 30 scientific journals.
Research: Systematics Tenebrionoidea; Biogeography; Herpetology; Conservation Biology. Author: 200 international papers, 14 monographs, 155 national papers mostly peer-reviewed; online European Fauna of Meloidae.
Coordinator of research projects granted by University Ministry and other institutions, and a LIFE CE project.
National Biogeographic Prize “A. Garbini” (1990); Associate in Research (Univ. California, Riverside; 1990, 1992, 1995); Fellowship Center Systematic Entomology, Florida (1995).
Bologna M. A., D’Inzillo B., Cervelli M., Oliverio M., Mariottini P., 2005. Molecular phylogenetics of the Mylabrini blister beetles (Coleoptera, Meloidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 37: 306-311.
Bologna M.A., Oliverio M., Pitzalis M., Mariottini P., 2008. Phylogeny and evolutionary history of the blister beetles (Coleoptera, Meloidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 48: 679-693. 4
Zapponi L., Cini A., Bardiani M., Hardersen S., Maura M., Maurizi E., Redolfi de Zan L., Audisio P., Bologna M., Carpaneto G., Roversi P., Sabbatini Peverieri G., Mason F., Campanaro A., 2017 (online 2016). Citizen science data as an efficient tool for mapping protected saproxylic beetles. Biological Conservation, 208 (2017) 139–145 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2016.04.035)
Salvi D., Maura M., Pan Z., Bologna M.A., 2019. Phylogenetic systematics of Mylabris blister beetles (Coleoptera, Meloidae): a molecular assessment using species trees and total evidence. Cladistics 35 (2018 online): 243–268 (doi: 10.1111/cla.12354)
Riccieri A., Mancini E., Salvi D., Bologna M.A., 2020. Phylogeny, systematic and biogeography of the hyper-diverse genus Hycleus Latreille, 1817 (Coleoptera: Meloidae). Molecular phylogenetics and Evolution, 144: 1-5 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2019.106706